Help, campaign building

  1. 10 years ago

    Hello, trying to make a campaign mission with ALIVE on clafghan, it is supported so it says in wiki. But everything works fine execpt when i place the military AI commander, then i get the forever loading, tried everything, every other module works fine but if i dont place the military AI commander it just says ALIVE profile system not placed! exiting....

    I watched tutorials, looked at the sample missions but still cant get it to work :/ Also looked in the forums but now I'm just lost and coming here now to ask for any help at all, i can upload a vanilla pbo mission if its needed on clafghan or just vanilla map and then i can just copy and paste and add custom factions.

    Been trying to get it to work for 1½ week now. If anyone wants to help me let me know either here or on pm

    Kind regards

  2. Edited 10 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Uploading the mission so that is requires no other mods besides ALiVE CBA and Clafghan would be a start so people can test it themselves.

  3. I'd stick to making campaigns on Altis or Stratis for the moment...

  4. Friznit

    16 Feb 2015 Administrator

    Which custom faction are you using?

  5. Using Swedish forces pack, RHS Escalation and AGRESSORS.

    I asked the main owner of the Swedish forces pack if it worked with ALIVE and they said should do. I'm redoing the modpack I'm using, had some in it that i dont need, see if that will work. Maby it was to many and it had to load everything


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