Can't sync IED module with Asymmetrical commander module

  1. 7 years ago

    Everytime I try to sync IED module with Asymmetrical commander it ends up with not even single IED spawn. I'm using LOP_NAPA faction with Asymmetrical commander and placement for this.

    And I didnt post server rtp because there only one message i could find with IED was this

    ------------------ Inspecting Hash --------------------
    k: IEDs
    ------------------ Inspection Complete --------------------
    ALiVE-2.157 L ALiVE Modules:12 does not support "state" operation
    ALiVE MIL IED reset for usage with OPCOM Insurgency!
    L ALiVE Modules:17 - Initialisation Completed...

    and I'm not sure if this is related, but there's also found this line as well

    There is no suitable building for an insurgents HQ!

  2. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    It can take what feels like a very very long time for IED's to get placed when synced to an assymetrical commander. I think this is because as the insurgency starts, they are establishing their installations and roadblocks and HQ's. Essentially, they are prepping the field for battle. That said, my opinion is that IED's are very very seldom regardless of how "extreme" the setting is when synced this way. And when they are planted, I usually just see one or two around the map/areas the Assymetric OPCOM holds. I'd like for this to get a bump, honestly.

    Just to be sure there isn't any additional issues presenting themselves, could you replace LOP with OPF_F and retest and let us know what you see then?

  3. Ok I will test with vanilla faction


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