Balancing, Reinforcements and Overrides

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi all hope all is well.

    its now my 3rd week using alive and it just keeps getting better.
    Getting the hang of it and making an awesome campaign that i might host on a server if it plays well.

    Need some reassurance please:

    By setting the Composition Weighting of a module to Eg Light infantry then only light infantry will spawn right? No Humvee's or light vehicles? Does it depend on how the custom factions is set up? i use CUP US army.

    Ok and this one bothers me haha:

    If i use the overrides and for Eg only allow 1 armored group to spawn and 2 motorized. If those groups get destroyed will the Ai commander use military logistics to reinforce with 1 armored and 2 motorized again? So will the Ai commander always make sure that there is 1 armored and 2 motorized groups in the fight as long as there is a force pool?

    Im trying to balance my persistent campaign. When i used RHS the AI spammed M1A1 tanks everywhere haha, and Takistan army always has 2-4 choppers flying around.

    Just need some advice haven't spoken to any fellow mission\campeign builders yet.

    Thanks in advance

  2. Per the Wiki here ) it looks like force weighting will attempt to utilize units from a Faction to represent a real world analogue to what you pick.
    You can enhance that or restrict that with the Overrides and Blacklisting.
    No clue on the set number of override units spawning each time.

  3. Weighting does exactly like it sounds, it weights the type of units in the placement modules' selection code. This will not guarantee that only units of that type will spawn, but it will make those units more likely to spawn over other types. Settings the override field is the only sure way (other than manual placement of units) to have only one type of units spawn.

  4. Awesome thanks guys, going to do some testing tonight. :)


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