I need Help with war room
Here is the log
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] ALiVEPlugIn v2.1a-
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [StartALiVE ['true']]
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Function: StartALiVE
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Params:
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] - [true]
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] Disable Performance Monitor: true
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] Reading 'alive.cfg'
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] Configuration found: C:\Users\ni1158995_1\AppData\Local\ALiVE\alive.cfg
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] No URL in config. Using default.
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] Configuration 'alive.cfg' read OK.
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Alive Config:
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Type: JSON
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] User: duhe8idoqojunepelugibynylorihixa
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Pass: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Group: EAS
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] URL: http://db.alivemod.com:5984
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] Checking WarRoom access...
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] URL: http://alivemod.com/api/authorise?group=EAS&localDB=false
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [error] ###### HandleMessage - StartALiVE ######
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [error] Error: You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room with this account. Check IP and Groupname.
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [error] RAW: StartALiVE ['true']
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Return value [['StartALiVE','ERROR','You are not authorized to access ALiVE War Room with this account. Check IP and Groupname.']]
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 159.153ms
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerAddress]
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Function: ServerAddress
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Params:
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] ServerAddress - Querying for IP @ ipify.org
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] IP returned:
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Return value [['']]
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 178.172ms
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [GroupName]
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Function: GroupName
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Params:
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [info] GroupName: EAS
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Return value [['EAS']]
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 2.002ms
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','sys_data/config','']]
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Function: SendJSON
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] Params:
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] - [GET]
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] - [sys_data/config]
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [debug] - []
[2017-02-13 20:11:09] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
[2017-02-13 20:11:10] [debug] Return value [['{"error":"unauthorized","reason":"Name or password is incorrect."}
[2017-02-13 20:11:10] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 151.145ms
At IP returned it say but my server adress is (and im sure since i asked my server host for the adress)
So i dont know what to do now