Insurgency - AI Drop Intel

  1. 6 years ago

    Good morning, I'm creating an insurgency mission, I got the ALIVE module and it worked, but I can not find a script for AI to drop the intel and another to spawn the cache. I tried copying from the insurgency missions at the armaholic but it never worked out.

    Taking advantage of the post, how to create a goal of destroying all Weapons Depot in asymmetric warfare?

  2. Edited 6 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Have you tried using the pre-placed installations option in the Assymetric Commander module, and also turning on the drop Intel option?

    It seems you may be looking for something a little more specific, but doing this would save you some time and intel would be revealed to you without having to script anything.

    Having pre-placed installations wouldn't be necessary, as in Assymetric mode they'd appear eventually. But setting the option to low or higher would ensure you'd begin with installations to find immediately upon mission start, making the intel more useful for this purpose right away.

  3. But how do I create a goal of "Destroy X weapon depots"?

    Does the drop intel configuration of the module work in the editor preview? Because I put the option as "often" and not drop intel ..

  4. Often only allows a 10% drop on a dead body I think.

    For destroying X amount of weapons depots, you'd need to script that or make the objectives yourself. But I have no clue how you'd tie that into ALiVE's systems. Probably more trouble than it's worth TBH.

    I have an ALiVE mission that reveals Intel after securing (rather, reading) a document (I manually placed the document myself though). Once the document is seized, it reveals 3 possible locations for a hostage to rescue. Of course, it's hand crafted in the editor, but would be easy enough to have it reveal objects that need to be destroyed instead. If you're not familiar with how to use task modules and stuff I could always link it to you if you want and you can try to learn from it.

    But as far as what you're looking for directly, I'm not sure myself. I just feel like it would be a lot of work for very little payoff.

  5. Many thanks for the reply! I did not want to manually put it because as it is a mission that I will play with friends, I would like something more dynamic where even I would have to find out as well. I think I'm just going to use ALIVE to put enemies in the mission, do you know some script that drop intel and another one to create the caches?

  6. Edited 6 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I get it. Random is always better. Especially as the mission maker.

    I'm sorry, I don't personally know of anything. I guess in the meantime, if you can't find anything, you could always turn on the generated tasks in ALiVE using the C2ISTAR module.

    What you could do, is blacklist the tasks you don't want to generate. I'll show you how in the next post. Let me get off my phone and hop on the PC real quick. BRB.

  7. Ok, so to select which tasks you want the mission to auto-generate, open notepad on your PC and paste this:

    waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"};
    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["MilAssault","MilDefence","CivAssault","Assassination","TransportInsertion","DestroyVehicles","DestroyInfantry","SabotageBuilding","InsurgencyPatrol","InsurgencyDestroyAssets","Rescue","CSAR"];

    Then, let's say you only want the mission to generate sabatoge building tasks. Make it look like this:

    waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"};
    ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = ["SabotageBuilding"];

    Then save the file naming it staticData.sqf

    Now, make a new document in notepad and paste this:

    execVM "staticData.sqf";

    Save it as init.sqf

    Place init.sqf and staticData.sqf and place them in your mission root folder (the place where your mission.sqm file is).

    Now, when the tasks auto-generate, it will only generate the sabotage building task (though fair warning, this task can be a bit finicky about which objects it asks you to blow up on some maps. Test it a few times first before having your buddies play).

    I realize this is not exactly what you wanted, and doesn't require you to find intel, but you would have set objectives.

  8. Edited 6 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Conversely, what you could do, is make a regular insurgency mission using an enemy AI commander set to Assymetric, setting intel to often. Then setting installations to a higher setting.

    Then, set the Assymetric Civ/Mil obj modules to a small TAOR so they won't be spawning over the entire map.

    Then, when you interrogate/interact with civilians, you'd be pretty much guaranteed the intel would reveal installations. And the dead body intel when you did find it would too.

    The playable area doesn't have to be super small, but the larger the area, the further away from installations you'd probably be (Assymetric commanders tend to build installations closer to where the actual commander module is). This would still provide the element of surprise for you and your friends, without having to patrol an entire map to find things to blow up.

    You could make your base just outside of the enemy area, outside the TAOR in a safe place, then begin your patrol into the TAOR hotzone. Am I making sense?

  9. It made a lot of sense, I already tried to do as you said AI commander, but I have 3 problems.

    1- Intel does not drop enemies (I did not try to interrogate civilians, does it work with the ACE menu?)

    2- I tried to put use the codes that you quoted above, but it does not generate any task. Need to put the C2ISTAR module?

    3 - Can this task define the end of the game? Or are they only minor missions?

  10. @timebomb17 It made a lot of sense, I already tried to do as you said AI commander, but I have 3 problems.

    1- Intel does not drop enemies (I did not try to interrogate civilians, does it work with the ACE menu?)

    It should. It feels more rare for me than 10% too but it works.

    2- I tried to put use the codes that you quoted above, but it does not generate any task. Need to put the C2ISTAR module?

    You need to place the C2ISTAR module. In the options, turn auto-tasks on and manually write your side and the enemy side in the force faction lines.

    3 - Can this task define the end of the game? Or are they only minor missions?

    Unfortunate no. Definitely not in an easy way or a way I'm aware of.

  11. Many thanks friend! I'll try and give you a SITREP.

    I tried copying the "ALiVE Insurgency Revived" mission scripts from Hazey and it did not work out (I do not understand much about scripting). I have seen that most insurgency mission with ALiVE uses these scripts. Do you know how to install?

  12. I was thinking of Hazey's mission, but unfortunately it's not working because it's old and needs to be updated. Some people have attempted to update it over on BI forums (take a look in Hazey's mission thread towards the end), but I have my doubts anyone has it working 100%.

    Sorry man. I never really got into that mission myself so I'm not sure and fixing it is not something I have the skill to do.

  13. Hell yes, the enemies are dropping intel! But IEDs do not explode when I get close, do you know the solution?

  14. They should. Are you using the default settings in the IED module? Are you using ACE or anything? Please try without any mods other than CBA/ALiVE and use the default IED settings. They should definitely be exploding.

  15. you are the best! Many thanks for the help, mate!


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