Problem TAG Clan

  1. 10 years ago

    I have a problem in the War Room! various players that are in the group "The Soul Reaper" is not assigned the TAG "TSR" before the name!
    Can you tell me how to solve?

  2. Tupolov

    20 Mar 2015 Administrator

    Hmmm interesting, haven't seen that before. Will take a look, thanks for the report

  3. Tupolov

    20 Mar 2015 Administrator

    looks like your guys have registered more than once.

  4. @Tupolov looks like your guys have registered more than once.

    the only double would Coll , that if you can you can delete the account of Coll87 ?

  5. Tupolov

    21 Mar 2015 Administrator


  6. Tupolov

    21 Mar 2015 Administrator

    There was also a dupe for smoke.

    I assume you registered these guys and they registered themselves too.

    Should be fixed now.

  7. These players listed below have still problems :

    Navar (accidentally deleted the account and now no longer does enter)

    Thank you very much

  8. @Tupolov Thank you very much

    Thank you very much

  9. Edited 10 years ago by BlackHawk

    Even problems with:
    - Lele

  10. Tupolov

    22 Mar 2015 Administrator

    Fixed. Try now.

  11. Edited 10 years ago by BlackHawk

    @Tupolov Fixed. Try now.

    problems with:

    • Sceriffo
    • atty
  12. @Tupolov Fixed. Try now.

    Sceriffo, atty80

  13. Tupolov

    28 Mar 2015 Administrator
    Edited 10 years ago by Tupolov

    Sceriffo should be fixed
    get atty to reregister


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