Military Obj and vehicle unit spawn location.

  1. 9 years ago

    I'm making a basic insurgency template on CLAfghan. The map seems to really lack military objects and the one suitable base I have is in a really tight (and I mean REALLY tight and cramped) place.

    I have a few questions.

    1. I have Military Obj for my BLUFOR hovering near my base. Like I said its one of the few available military installations that makes sense for me to call my base. Is there any way I can prevent vehicle units from spawning inside the physical base itself? It's too cramped for them.

    2. Probably a stupid stupid question. In an asymmetrical mission, am I supposed to have my BLUFOR Military Obj whitelisted to my TAOR or the OPFOR AO? I guess the same goes for Civilian Obj. I'm thinking the obvious answer is to whitelist my TAOR and blacklist the OPFOR AO so my units don't spawn in enemy held areas but I just wanted to double check.

    3. Considering the lack of military objects, is it ok to only give OPFOR a Civilian Obj module if I can't find any more Military Objects? I'm going to place it and debug it anyway but was just wondering in general, how necessary either module is (as long as I place at least one of them).

  2. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So I just debugged the Mil obj module in the editor for BLUFOR and OPFOR but unless I'm missing something, CLAfghan doesn't actually have any military objects.

    Not really sure how to work around that or what to expect without that module working. Can you play an Assymetric mission with both sides only using Civilian obj?

  3. Edited 9 years ago by jmlane

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  Not really sure how to work around that or what to expect without that module working. Can you play an Assymetric mission with both sides only using Civilian obj?

    Yes, this will still work. For asym scenario the civilian objectives are arguably more important since a lot of the asym features rely on civilians population and objectives. Conventional forces will act as normal.

    The only work around I've discovered is using the custom military objective modules to fake military objectives where the placement modules won't work or find anything suitable.

  4. Oh yeah I saw that option to "fake" the installations in the custom module! Wasn't sure what it meant but now it makes sense! Sweet. I'll place one down for each side!

    Thanks JMLane!


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