

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sun Jan 22 15:29:10 2017

    I had these issues of crashing or going to 3 fps due to memory leak until I upgraded to 32 gigs of ram(used to have 8 gigs) and switched to dev branch with 64 bit. The crashing and low fps issue went away but my memory usage keeps going up the longer I play. I have seen over 14 gigs used so far but I never play for more than an hour at a time tops.

  2. Sun Jan 22 05:37:32 2017

    Thanks for the quick replies. It seems it may have been an issue with running MCC mod. I disabled it and things seem to be loading now! I never used MCC anyway.

  3. Sun Jan 22 01:57:43 2017
    R raditz5 started the conversation There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s).

    It seems I am not able to make a mission with two military factions(BLU_F NATO and OPF_G_F REBELSRED) at war with each other and civilians in the back ground on Altis with the TOAR on the west half of the map. If I try to have all of these things loaded at once I will either get the "There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s)" error which seems to randomly happen to both military factions, or the error will not show up but one of the military factions will simply not spawn. I have even tried reducing the number of military units to 30 for each group and setting civs on low and I cannot get all three groups to load.

    I can load civilians and 1 military faction, I can load two military factions and no civilians, but not all three. What could it mean? I have I am using the 64 bit developers branch. I have the military factions setup to spawn in the military objectives of two different TOARs, one for each faction, and then civilians that can spawn in both TOARs.

    Even before I hit this wall where I cannot get the map to load to save my life I would often get this "no groups for opcom" error off and on and I would just reload the level and it would usually end up working.

    Anyone else suffer with this error? I checked my modules about a million times over, everything seems to be correctly setup. The crazy part is how removing civilians makes the error go away.

  4. Wed Dec 14 22:18:59 2016

    I ordered 32 gigs of 2400 DDR3 corsair dominator platinum ram(still running on sandy bridge architecture till the next hot gaming CPU comes out....if ever). This is not the first upgrade I have made simply for Arma 3 lol. Now we will see if more ram actually helps or the if the game is limited by design! Thanks for all the great posts everyone!

  5. Sun Dec 4 16:52:44 2016

    You guys are awesome thank you!

  6. Sun Dec 4 03:07:07 2016
    R raditz5 started the conversation DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY.


    I am making a mission where I have AI and Civ spawn ranges set to 1500 for land based units and helicopters, for jets I have Civ range set to zero and AI set to 2k spawn radius so I can attack with the USAF AC 130, the mission is restricted to the left half of Altis and I am doing asymmetric warfare.

    I am assuming I have my AI and Civ spawn settings too high but my question is this, after about 15 minutes of flying around on my mission one of two things happens, over time my fps drops to 5 and stays there till I quit mission, or, if I fly around a lot and then open the mission Task generator tablet to generate a task, the game freezes and generates the out of memory error below.

    I have 8 gigs of ram and run on Windows 10 64 bit with two GTX 970s and an over clocked Sandy Bridge quad core. Is there something I can do to make my PC handle my intense mission settings(even a hardware upgrade would be fine) or is my only option to tune down my CIV and AI spawn settings?

    20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
    20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
    20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
    20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
    20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
    20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
    20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
    20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
    20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
    20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
    20:13:10 CreateTexture failed : w = 3000, h = 1858, format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM, err = E_OUTOFMEMORY.
    20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
    20:13:10 Virtual memory total 4095 MiB (4294836224 B)
    20:13:10 Virtual memory free 154 MiB (162156544 B)
    20:13:10 Physical memory free 2167 MiB (2272374784 B)
    20:13:10 Page file free 1781 MiB (1868316672 B)
    20:13:10 Process working set 2262 MiB (2372640768 B)
    20:13:10 Process page file used 3463 MiB (3631677440 B)
    20:13:10 Longest free VM region: 26804224 B
    20:13:10 VM busy 4132745216 B (reserved 265072640 B, committed 3867672576 B, mapped 120565760 B), free 162091008 B
    20:13:10 Small mapped regions: 25, size 106496 B
    20:13:10 VID: dedicated: 3221225472, shared 1073676288, system: 0, max: 2906652672, used: 2430021632
    ErrorMessage: DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY

  7. Sat Apr 23 17:08:46 2016
    R raditz5 posted in Todays update.

    I just started getting this error out of the blue.

    There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) ["rhs_faction_usarmy_wd"]! Please check if you chose the correct faction, and that the faction has groups defined in the ArmA 3 default categories infantry, motorized, mechanized, armored, air, sea!

  8. 9 years ago
    Mon Jan 18 20:49:15 2016
    R raditz5 started the conversation Asymmetric and vehicles.

    If I start a new Asymmetric mission and chose force level Motorized it will initially spawn vehicle units. However if I am understanding the description, the Asymmetric commander replaces units from the population and what I cannot figure out is if that means only infantry units will be replaced.

    If I want to have Asymmetric warfare but the threat of random vehicles that replenish themselves, do I need to add a second commander of the occupation or invasion type synched to a military logistics module to handle the vehicle aspects?


  9. Tue Jul 14 16:18:22 2015
    R raditz5 posted in Leights Takistan Civ enable xeh.

    I posted a reply but I had failed to read that you were posting three methods, not three steps. Thanks for the good info!

  10. Tue Jul 14 16:17:02 2015

    Thank you! I will keep messing with it, I have been running missions with spawning set to light infantry units only, I wonder if that is preventing the generation of vehicle kill missions within C2ISTAR .


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