I am making a mission where I have AI and Civ spawn ranges set to 1500 for land based units and helicopters, for jets I have Civ range set to zero and AI set to 2k spawn radius so I can attack with the USAF AC 130, the mission is restricted to the left half of Altis and I am doing asymmetric warfare.
I am assuming I have my AI and Civ spawn settings too high but my question is this, after about 15 minutes of flying around on my mission one of two things happens, over time my fps drops to 5 and stays there till I quit mission, or, if I fly around a lot and then open the mission Task generator tablet to generate a task, the game freezes and generates the out of memory error below.
I have 8 gigs of ram and run on Windows 10 64 bit with two GTX 970s and an over clocked Sandy Bridge quad core. Is there something I can do to make my PC handle my intense mission settings(even a hardware upgrade would be fine) or is my only option to tune down my CIV and AI spawn settings?
20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
20:13:10 CreateTexture failed : w = 3000, h = 1858, format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM, err = E_OUTOFMEMORY.
20:13:10 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY
20:13:10 Virtual memory total 4095 MiB (4294836224 B)
20:13:10 Virtual memory free 154 MiB (162156544 B)
20:13:10 Physical memory free 2167 MiB (2272374784 B)
20:13:10 Page file free 1781 MiB (1868316672 B)
20:13:10 Process working set 2262 MiB (2372640768 B)
20:13:10 Process page file used 3463 MiB (3631677440 B)
20:13:10 Longest free VM region: 26804224 B
20:13:10 VM busy 4132745216 B (reserved 265072640 B, committed 3867672576 B, mapped 120565760 B), free 162091008 B
20:13:10 Small mapped regions: 25, size 106496 B
20:13:10 VID: dedicated: 3221225472, shared 1073676288, system: 0, max: 2906652672, used: 2430021632
ErrorMessage: DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_OUTOFMEMORY