Last active 7 years ago
I don't ever use groups, ever, so I didn't make any.
@marceldev89 They are definitely important files.
How are they important when I include those files the game wouldn't even load halfway????
Yes, I deleted the other two files because they where just note pads stating the name convention for the files. With those other two files in there when pbo'd the game would not launch at all.
I hope this gets fixed by thursday...First day off of 6
I hope its something stupid I'd make me feel better about the whole thing
Yes with the cfgpatches.hpp as well because the video said to do it too...I tried without it and it didn't work either
Put the link here? How do I put a file on a forum?
I'm on step 6. I have read everything on the wiki and watch all of Sypder's youtube videos. I had the '@' there from the beginning. I haven't even tried making a mission, just at this point because what's the point of making the mission if the faction doesn't work?
The faction doesn't load in either the eden editor or the ORBAT editor after imporitng. It appears in the mod launcher as loaded in as well as in the addons section in game and marked as active.
and the mod was appearing in the launcher and the addon selection in the actual game...but non of the units were appearing in the game
Yeah I already found that, and that's what I was trying before but with dropping the @mod folder into the addons folder and then selecting it via local mod list.
I am I just supposed to pbo the autogen.hpp file or both the autogen and cfpatches documents? Sypder's directions on youtube says export both.