

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Thu Feb 4 08:34:23 2016
    N Numrollen posted in vehicleVarName.

    Really? The stable release or RC release? We use and our mission maker told me that vehicles got other names when using alive and i found this thread. Hmm.. strange

  2. Sun Jan 31 19:48:24 2016
    N Numrollen posted in vehicleVarName.

    Still exists this issue :-/

  3. Wed Jan 6 15:21:02 2016
    N Numrollen posted in NewClan Problems/Questions.

    #5 thx for clearing this up. I already tested with CMO. I will test aroung if patrols use them within their secure area.

    Im a bit sorry but i need to ask again a bunch of questions about -

    #1 - Can i limit the supply called by lead?
    #6 - the Military Reports. How can i get only LEAD to create tasks and group leaders can only do sit/spot/pareps?
    #7 - Persistent saving: i can only save the mission when a admin is online?
    #8 - I setup 2 custom military objectives with helo. Why ai take the helo without a gun as a support one to fight the attacking enemy @ outpost?

    i uploaded a few pics for a few problems (1prob with RHS air unit): https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=E8CFBEE28DEF33C6!286&authkey=!AJTsbgyvoT5dW8k&ithint=file%2crar

    Bug? Alive Commander Tablet is not visible trough zeus

  4. Tue Jan 5 15:28:46 2016
    N Numrollen posted in NewClan Problems/Questions.

    #2: thx, clear now!

    #3: Hmm no and i dont like to use external scripts again, i try to stick with mods and ALiVE. Just an idea: Take 3 Supplytrucks, load them with XYZ (Fake supplys) and at the place you can take out perhaps pre defined stuff for bigger outposts? This stuff already with ai path and places ready.

    #4: ok this is not really a bug, just again as a info. e.g. arma2 bunker is filled with 5 ai (its warm in here) and they get stuck. Perhaps a filter would be nice to prevent placing > 4 beside each other within 30cm?

    #5: I make a campaign and we start from our homebase. For a mission you need to decorate this base, you need to make it look like a mainbase. Just take one of the airports from altis (not the main big one). They look more like a amateur landing area, not as a military base. I just want to ask if there are ways that alive can help me get this base builded nice, with realistic feeling, with ai patroiling around the base and uses military buildings (look-out i need to place). And all that FAST. As i said i like ALiVE to manage all this micromanagement, i just want to macro. So im not that lego building guy that want to plan a military layout over 5 hours.

  5. Tue Jan 5 13:59:52 2016
    N Numrollen posted in NewClan Problems/Questions.

    So we already used alive now and i got some more feedback and questions ;) Before the text: thx, it really is such a big help and offers so much. I love this macro management and let alive micro the rest. I hope i can release a mission with alive to get this proof! ;)

    1. The Military Logistics supply for requesting vehicles: too much folders and subfolders if i only whitelistet 2-3 things. For a campain i just want to start small and the commander can only call 1 small apc and 2 ammo boxes. when i use RHS i need to click through 200 folders to find this APC (the com even dont know what he CAN call on the first time he look into the tablet) and 100 folders later he can find the ammo boxes. Also drop of an vehicle is too affected by the wind. On strong wind they get blown miles away ;) I also want to limit that he can call only 2 times this APC and 5 times the ammo. This combined with "persistence", i dont know how to do.

    2. Persistence: is it possible to make a new version of the mission and still all saved data can get loaded? E.g. we builded a outpost, cleared 30% of the map, made 2-3 operations, got all supplies we got. Now we want to play Month2 after begin of this operation. Eh... ;) I want a massive mission that can last 3-4 months for our clan and evolves the hole time. Like gamemode:domination but with own build tasks, outposts, changing enemys (opfor and blufor fighting together, then getting enemys blah). I dont think it is possible to build all this static so the best method for me would be another version of the mission edited.

    3. Own build outposts by hand is a bit a pain because the Hesco's only get 1 at a time into the truck and can cause heavier loading times i think when everything is persistent and we build 3-4 of them. What is the best way at the moment to "build" an outpost to a selected area? Best would be patrouled by friendly forces and of course attacked at any time but it needs to be big enough to get in all the logistic stuff we need and 4-6 vehicles for patrols.

    4. Arma2 buildings really is a pain to your CQB or even with a taor marker over custom military areas. On Airports they patrol over the runways.

    5. What is the best and fastes and the one with best immersion way to secure our starting base? Yes i can build lego with arma editor and/or i can place Military Placement (Custom Objectives) around. But my problem: Are all these objectives (MG bunker, mil house, patrol around this base, gate or road blocks on the base entrance) used by friendly ai to this this base a real feeling? Or need i still takes days to micro all this secure stuff per hand?

  6. Fri Dec 25 14:49:54 2015

    Ok thx. We disable now "ai can get unconscious". So hope this help us ;)

  7. Fri Dec 25 14:47:59 2015
    N Numrollen posted in Unable to access Combat Supplies.

    already watched youtube alive tutorials ?

  8. Wed Dec 2 14:25:12 2015

    Newest ace patch: Replaced isAlive function with alive command (#2622)
    will this help? Im not a coder, so... :P

  9. Mon Nov 30 11:21:05 2015
    N Numrollen posted in NewClan Problems/Questions.

    Next Report: We investigated the performance problem to about 90%. The most fps drops are caused by CQC module by house patrolling -> %. Even there arent much houses around, if you increase the percentage the more soldiers are trying to patrol the same house. We saw now in tests that AiA houses causes some strange behaviour where 20 ais standing in the front door, stuck.
    We will do some more tests the next days because some strange results on some tests but i can say with HC its possible to have 300 ai's spawned without problem. This amount is needed if you do civilian traffic, civs in the city, enemys around idling and players are NOT on the same place. E.g. a coop 40, your people are gonne be on more then 1 place and of course this will lead to more ais. We cant imagine bigger scenarios with non-HC.
    Will report a more detailed one the next days.

    Friznit: No, our server dont load JSRS, this was just our client mod list. Server loads e.g. asr_ai most of the time.

  10. Mon Nov 30 09:50:53 2015
    N Numrollen posted in Quick Question about C2ISTAR.

    Quick Question: Where is the "Mission End" contition on your example alive mission? The mission say: find 6 (or 4, or whatever) caches.

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