If i have a map that is primarily opfor vs blufor, is there a way (without an AI commander, and that is good for performance) to spawn terrorists in areas of the map to fight both sides? Adding on to that, do i need an AI Commander with the terrorists in order to spawn in IEDs with ambushes?
When i have 3 ai commanders (ind, opfor, blufor) and i am using the entire map (isla duala), i get a shit ton of lag during the entire thing, i try reducing the amount of soldiers, there is much less combat and i do not like that. If i reduce the objectives to spawn at, it seems to clump all of the soldiers together which is a lag fest when i get near them. Is there any other way to reduce lag?
Is leights opfor faction pack supported (ik it is not on the wiki)? he has a section in his mod that has the faction names for alive.
Whenever i use custom objectives, no soldiers spawn there, i turn on debug but nothing pops up?
Why do ieds not explode when someone is near them?
Can anyone explain how to make R3F logistics work with alive and work with mods?
Finally, is there a reason why Alive spawned independents and civilians do not have markers in zues?