Combat Support with RHS (Solved)

  1. 9 years ago

    Is it possible? I tried setting my combat support in the class "Plane_CAS_01_base_F" and my transport module to "Heli_Transport_01_base_F", but I get nothing when I load in. I was able to get vanilla helos working for both roles, am I using the wrong names or are they just not supported for RHS?

  2. Update: I've been trying random class names. For example, "RHS_UH60M_base" (a Black Hawk) put into the transport vehicle type field spawns a CH-47 Chinook and transport does not show up in the combat support, whereas my CAS module that's using a vanilla chopper is working perfectly.

    =[ So I take it the RHS team is to blame for their strange configuration?

  3. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Combat support works fine with RHS (minus the Artillery since it struggles with mod units).

    some example classnames

    A10 - RHS_A10

    Blackhawk - RHS_UH60M

    AH1Z - RHS_AH1Z_CS

    UH1Y - RHS_UH1Y_FFAR_d

    Make sure you are only inserting the classname (RHS_A10), and not the classname surrounded by quotes ("RHS_A10")

    You can find the classnames easily by going into the editor, creating a unit/vehicle, and the classname will be in the upper right of the "Insert Unit" GUI.

  4. Friznit

    10 Jul 2015 Administrator

    anything with _base in it is the base class, not the actual vehicle modeled. Keeping working down the RHS class tree on their wiki (or the config browser in the editor) until you find the actual classname.

  5. Well I'll be damned, thanks guys. I had been working down the tree from the RHS website like Friznit said, but it was spawning random vehicles so I gave up just short of using the right ones.

    Thanks so much!

  6. What is the issue with RHS arty units? In the mission I am working on, I have two groups of M109A6. I have tested it once and it seemed to work on, shots were on target for simple HE shoot...

  7. @SpyderBlack723 : I'm using RHS artillery units with no problems. I'm using "rhsusf_m109d_usarmy" and it works with HE, Smoke, Ilum and SADARM. Laser designated shells don't work with ACE because the designation system has been changed, but they may work without ACE. They just fall like normal shells if they aren't being guided.
    The SADARM are pretty good at seeking out armor too, so I've not really felt much of a loss from not having laser designated shells, I just take a demo pack if I have to destroy a building where I'd use arty if it worked.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Hmm, last time I tested they weren't working. Then again, that was 2 months ago. The issue was that you would not have any option for which shell to use and therefor couldn't fire it at all. I would be pleasantly surprised if this has changed.

  9. Friznit

    13 Jul 2015 Administrator

    So would I! We always assumed the BIS arty system was funky enough that mods never worked. if this has been fixed or RHS has figured out a workaround, that's good news.

  10. As I said, it works with the classname I listed, I can't say if it works with any others as I haven't tried.


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