To All You Mission Makers Out There...

  1. 9 years ago

    Hey everyone!

    So I stopped playing Arma 3 for the last 6+ months due to performance issues (had an amd fx 8350 btut now an a 6600K) and I'm looking for a map with great performance as I will be hosting the mission for myself and two other friends. What maps are you using or what would you recommend?


  2. Lingor A3

  3. Thanks for the reply! Do you get good performance on Lingor? It seems like there are some pretty dense cities and a tonne of objects

  4. yeah, i have not had an issue on it.

    16GB RAM
    Win 7x64 pro

  5. Takistan is my favorite.

    8GB RAM
    GTX 860M (similar to 750ti)

    Hey man, good news on Sangin! I actually like this map better than Takistan all things considered. I just switched my mission to CUPTerrains and at least at base, I was around 48 FPS! Over double my average with AiA.

    Definitely untested but I'm feeling there's hope for this map now. :)

  6. That's awesome! Which Sangin are you using?

  7. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Summer. Again, it could have just been one of those things but I'm pleasantly impressed after a very short test.

  8. Welp. Gonna have to try and troubleshoot my server because I'm in the same place as I was with AiA when actually playing the mission from MP Scenarios. 25-28 on average with around 30 outside of a vehicle and 22 or so inside one. Yikes. It's either Sangin itself or something with my setup.


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