Nam map and ALIVE

  1. 9 years ago

    So I can load the map without any ALIVE modules but when I add a military commander and sync it to civ and mil objectives the map fails to load? I used the CSAT faction as a test and it just ends up sitting at the maps loading screen with the loading bar full


  2. When was the last time the map updated?

  3. Ohhhh It looks like the last time it was updated was on Dec 26th

  4. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Will re-add to list

    Do you have a link to it? Can't seem to find it.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by Opendome

    Awesome thanks! Good to know its not just me :P the only place I can seem to find it is on the steam workshop

    hmmmm here's the armaholic one but im not sure if its the updated one

    here's the steam workshop page where it said it updated Dec 26 and Im pretty I got my copy through workshop

  6. Ok thanks, added.


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