GREF faction mapping

  1. 8 years ago

    Good evening.

    Since the people behind RHS has published their new mod called GREF, I was hoping to make use of that with alive straight away as their previous work works perfectly with alive. However it does not seem to work properly and I get the error saying that the faction is not working with alive, I have looked around the mod-configs, tried to use the faction-mapping script and other things, but without any luck.

    My idea was that since the RHS and GREF configs probably are structured in a similar way, it can't be too far off, but I fail to find the decisive difference after many hours of comparing lines of text. I am not one to usually ask for things on forums, but I would really like to get this working with alive, as such I am simply asking for any kind of help regarding this issue which I am sure plagues not only me, but others.

    Thank you.

  2. You're not the only one saying this new groups of factions isn't compatible with ALiVE. Have you asked over in the BIS forums what's going on with the group configuration?

  3. @HeroesandvillainsOS  You're not the only one saying this new groups of factions isn't compatible with ALiVE. Have you asked over in the BIS forums what's going on with the group configuration?

    I have tried there, yes. But there does not seem to be any incentive to respond to comments regarding it. As such I was looking for alternative solutions here instead, but hopefully it will be addressed shortly.

  4. Ah gotcha. That's too bad no one's responded. Eventually they will be overwhelmed with us ALiVE users asking and they won't be able to avoid it. They will see us in their sleep and have nightmares about and eventually...yes eventually, they will succumb to our will. :)

    Yeah man that's odd. Hopefully it's just a simple error they'll be able to issue a hotfix or someone here will have a solution.

  5. Yes, hopefully so. :)

  6. RHS likes to do things their own way despite community standards.. there will need to be some group mappings done and an update released for alive. That or try it yourself:

  7. I did try that, but my scripting skills are not the best.

  8. TheMagnetar has been kind enough to start work on RHS GREF mappings.

  9. Good to see, thanks for the information.


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