Blacklist Marker Getting Ignored

  1. 8 years ago


    So in my mission Im only using a few mods and was working fine yesterday. I changed it from asymmetric to occupation as for some reason roadblocks kept appearing even though it was set to off. After that the blacklist marker I put over the base gets ignored and loads of enemies spawn there right at the begging of the mission. I tried turning it back to asymmetric and it still gets ignored. I also tried changing its name and putting that changed name in the blacklist areas of the modules and they still spawn.

  2. Things to try:

    1. Reversize axis A and axis B sizes
    2. Change from ellipse to rectangle
    3. Change name
    4. Replace marker
    5. Ensure no spaces after marker name in module field
  3. Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately I tried those but it still happens, it seems to happen 3/4 times the missions started.

  4. Is the marker visible or invisible on the map when playing in game?

  5. Its invisible

  6. Edited 8 years ago by Opendome

    Alright I think I found out what it is, it happens as soon as I put down some transport AI modules and sync them to the support module. Which is super weird

    Im using unsung assets in the transport modules and they spawn fine and have the crew numbers the way they should.

    Would this be a result of them not being mapped yet? I havent gotten around to mapping them into ALiVE yet.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by Opendome

    Another odd thing is even if I have roadblocks turned off, they still spawn eventually. Im not sure if its just because its in asymmetric or not but is that supposed to happen?

    Also side note: Do TAORs change the OPCOMs behavior at all? Say for instance if I have one covering a large part of the map opposing to not having one?

  8. asymm spawns roadblocks

    Also side note: Do TAORs change the OPCOMs behavior at all? Say for instance if I have one covering a large part of the map opposing to not having one?

    TAORS dictate which objectives a placement module should create. Synced placement modules determine which objectives an OPCOM is assigned to operate in. So yes.


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