Gunkizli errors with alive

  1. 7 years ago

    Hey guys, Im attempting to make a mission on Gunzkili or whatever (The african terrain by F.O.S.) No matter what enemy faction, Enemy type when loading I receive the error "_pending_opcom_18325-103_|#|_objective_missing #24-152' Error Missing" for about 15 minutes straight that's how long I waited. I thought it was Leights opfor so I used RHS, same thing so then I tired default CSAT and the same thing happened, We tried taking the template and moving it to cherno and there were no errors, It may be the map, anyone have a fix and or suggestion?

  2. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm fairly certain all of Makhno's maps need a reindex. Even ones that seemingly work on the surface have issues with ALiVE I'm finding.

    I'd personally steer clear from anything Makhno related right now until some fresh or re-indexes are done.

  3. Errors are fixed with the next update of ALiVE

  4. Al Rayak and N'Ziwasogo? *pretty please*

  5. Deleted 7 years ago by IrishPineapple
  6. Not yet. I'd expect after Apex.

  7. Sweet. Thanks guys


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