Tanoa/Apex First Impressions

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by AUTigerGrad

    Off the cuff after 2 nights of gaming.....

    • This map/island chain is BEAUTIFUL
    • I actually dig the new Vanilla units, especially both the Chinese and NATO Spec Ops
    • Lots and lots of cool scenarios/ALiVE Campaigns to be had on this map. Deep jungle insertions, water based assaults, Oil Refineries, etc.
    • Nice to see both Chinese and French added to the languages. I'm sure we'll see an upgraded Chinese PLA mod from someone very soon.
    • ALiVE has worked wonderfully so far. Kudos to Tup and Co. on the quick index! (Logistics is a bit wonky but very cool additions that I know are still being worked on)
    • Vanilla AI is no joke. We got our butts handed to us in several firefights. Noticeable improvements after using ASR AI for so long to compensate for the older, less advanced AI. Kudos BI.

    All in all, I'm pretty happy with the DLC. My group will definitely get our money's worth out of this Island.

  2. Agreed on all points! What are the AI improvements you've seen? I just noticed I die a lot more now, didn't see much about AI in the changelog.

  3. AI visibility has been updated to match the visual update Arma got recently. They have also done a lot of re configuring related to AI visibility through fog and AI visibility of players during certain animations. Essentially AI are more human-like with their vision now.


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