Hiya. Onward!
C2ISTAR Auto-tasking
Tested mission as a playable BLU_F > Men (Sniper) > Sniper, TACOM tasked me with destroying vehicles in a nearby town. Vehicles ended up being CSAT Mechanised units. As a sniper I was unable to complete task.
Q: Does TACOM consider a unit's/group's class before assigning it/them a task?
Q: If so, what happens if we edit the loadout of the unit? Does it take it by the class name?
OPCOM victory state
I'm setting endMission functions for my mission, but as I'm using C2ISTAR to auto-task players, it is hard to set a victory state other than 'all enemy dead, we win' type of end mission.
Q: Does AI Commander module include a function to assess whether a battle has been victorious?
Q: If so, is there a way to use that status in the endMission function?
Q: If not, is this a module that can be added to ALiVE?
MULTISPAWN multi-options
I've used Spawn on Squad and Insertion on some missions now. But I'd like to use a combination of the two: Squad on Squad as primary, with Insertion as the fallback method.
Q: Can you expand the Multispawn module to allow us to define the preferred fallback method?
Q: If so, can we have multiple fallback methods? (ie: Insertion only available if airfield objective is held, otherwise fallback on Squad in Building, etc...)
Side-note: I've been using Insertion along with a player init script that allows me to move the Insertion Marker by chucking an IR grenade. It's been rad for a transient spawnpoint. But it fails completely when the enemy secure the area where the marker is. Flying into instant death haha
Bonus round
Q: Have you guys gotten jobs at BIS yet? This mod is the greatest mod to ever.