Server Performance Breakthrough -- Object Profiling Issues

  1. 7 years ago

    I've been having some issues so I went into my optimization mode for a while. While doing some testing with ALiVE and other mods on client and server performance, I've noticed that over time random empty objects and vehicles, as well as static weapons, spawn throughout the island and don't get profiled. They spawn well over my server's 1500 meter profile distance, in corners of the map that are untouched and unseen. I've noticed that server FPS runs low when this occurs, it drops to the 15-30 range. Profiling un-profiled units fixes this! Server FPS jumps back up to 50, and my client FPS jumps up from 20s, to 30s and 40s, but this is detrimental to the mission.

    The reason it's detrimental is it completely destroys the vehicles spawned at base, as it seems profiled vehicles only spawn in 5 meters accuracy, which of course causes vehicles to clip into other vehicles and walls etc, and Michael Bay mode commences.

    Any workarounds here? I'm assuming that this problem has been occurring for a very long time.

    Also any news on Civs on the dedicated server being fixed?

  2. Interesting topic. Thanks for sharing your findings.

  3. this setVariable ["ALIVE_profileIgnore", true];

    On all vehicles that you don't want to get profiled

  4. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS


    When you say "random empty vehicles, objects and static weapons" are spawning, what do you mean?

    Surely these aren't random, but are spawning from some system, be it either from the random clutter objects in the civ placement module or mil obj module, or are coming in from logistics. Where are they coming from?

    And the ones on your base would be ones you're manually placing in the editor, correct?

  5. @HeroesandvillainsOS  @Haymaker

    When you say "random empty vehicles, objects and static weapons" are spawning, what do you mean?

    Surely these aren't random, but are spawning from some system, be it either from the random clutter objects in the civ placement module or mil obj module, or are coming in from logistics. Where are they coming from?

    And the ones on your base would be ones you're manually placing in the editor, correct?

    The ones in base are editor placed, yes.

    The ones spawning across map? I have no idea. They are a mix of static weapons and civilian + hostile vehicles (all of them are empty), so I'm assuming that they're compositions and roadblocks and such but I'm unsure.

  6. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm thinking the empty vehicles are the ambient vehicles you can spawn in the civilian placement and military objective modules. I believe they default to low in each module (I'd have to double check that).

    Could you check and see if disabling them in those two modules resolve that part of the issue?

    For the vehicles you spawn at base, I never virtualized them. I have the virtual AI set to only virtualized synced objects, and leave my base vehicles unsynced. I can't say I've ever had a performance problems due to these forever being in the game world.

  7. @HeroesandvillainsOS  I'm thinking the empty vehicles are the ambient vehicles you can spawn in the civilian placement and military objective modules. I believe they default to low in each module (I'd have to double check that).

    Could you check and see if disabling them in those two modules resolve that part of the issue?

    For the vehicles you spawn at base, I never virtualized them. I have the virtual AI set to only virtualized synced objects, and leave my base vehicles unsynced. I can't say I've ever had a performance problems due to these forever being in the game world.

    Confirmed that the objects spawned are part of the compositions in the military placements modules, like the roadblocks and camps.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks for narrowing it down. Yeah those objects are quite necessary. I'm sure they'll continue to optimize things as time goes on.

    I personally never go above low on either, except very seldomly to medium with camps on maps that have a lot of empty space but that is very very rare.


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