Trigger to add combat support after capturing area?

  1. 7 years ago

    Hey, I'm making a Takistani campaign in which U.S. forces are invading from the southwest while the Takistani Army holds territory to the north and south, and central Takistan is considered tribal. I was wondering if there was a way I could spawn in combat support as the mission progresses. I'm pretty new to mission making, so I'm not too sure how triggers work but what I was hoping to do was set combat support modules up in areas such as Loy Manera airfield, Rasman airfield, Garmsar military base, etc and set a trigger up that will allow the combat support to spawn after the area has been captured/cleared by my faction. Would it be possible to do this, and if not, are there any alternatives that would result in something similar? All help is appreciated!


    ["TRANSPORT",[getPos thisTrigger,60,"B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F","VICTOR 1","",""]] Call ALiVE_fnc_combatSupportAdd;

    When the trigger is activated would spawn a support helicopter at the trigger center

  3. Excuse my ignorance, but where am I placing this code? In the trigger "on activation"? Or am I creating a a combatSupportAdd.sqf and initiating that somehow?

  4. Should just be in the on act of the trigger. Change thisTrigger to your trigger name, and you can change the other variables as well (class name, callsign, etc.)

  5. After a little testing in the editor, I figured it out! Thank you guys so much, couldn't have done it without ya.


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