1. 7 years ago

    So its been awhile since I added an intel system to a mission, but since were getting such great performance Im going to roll it back in. For the intel coverage levels, is that the initial level of intel at the start of the mission or how effectively gathered intel is used? Also is there a way for just the commander to see intel?

  2. It raises the chance throughout the mission

    Also is there a way for just the commander to see intel?

    The AI Commander or a player acting in a commanding position? If player, the use the C2ISTAR intel tablet. If AI commander, he already sees it.

  3. Ah ok thanks! oh yea I meant the player. We've got a small group of 16 max and I keep jumping back and forth between low and medium coverage lol, I just cant decide

  4. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ha! Yeah I've been bouncing between the two as well.

    Currently on smallish maps (FATA and Takistan), in Assymetric missions, I use low but have upped the amount of installations a bit to compensate - that way when we find a civ willing to talk or a document on the ground it feels like a jackpot. :). On Reshmaan (which is enormous) I have kept it at medium, otherwise it's tough to figure out where to go because the map is so big.

    For conventional I prefer medium. For whatever reason, in regular battles I just like feeling like I'm the commander's "second hand man" and he's giving me my Intel when he isn't busy ordering everyone around.

    I know the dilemma though. When you show too much too often, the fun of exploring and planning/recon can disappear really quickly and ruin everything.

  5. Yea exactly haha, its on Tanoa on asymmetric so its pretty big and I have facilities on medium so its hard to figure out if I want medium or low. Which would you start with? lol

  6. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Well Tanoa has a lot of indestructible buildings so I'm not sure how well an Assymetric will play. Are you finding ALiVE mostly filters the indestructible buildings out and only uses ones that can be blown up (for the most part?)?

    I'd personally start by trying intel on low.

    If I were to make an Assymetric on Tanoa (which I've considered as you can probably tell lol), I'd probably start with and then test:

    1. Extreme civilians
    2. Low C2ISTAR coverage of map Intel
    3. Low to medium pre-placed installations
    4. Intel on dead bodies set to "often"
    5. Depending on how many friendlies I let spawn, I'd try around 50-60 or so initial Assymetric profiles utilizing most but not all of the map (I'd probably make one of the islands a "safe place" for my base, and I'd count the profiles on mission start using a profile counter in the debug console):

    if (isServer) then { _profilesBySide = [ALiVE_profileHandler,"profilesBySide"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet; _profilesBySide = _profilesBySide select 2; systemchat format ["Profile Count OPFOR - %1", count (_profilesBySide select 0)]; systemchat format ["Profile Count BLUFOR - %1", count (_profilesBySide select 1)]; systemchat format ["Profile Count INDEPENDANT - %1", count (_profilesBySide select 2)]; };

    ^^^Provided by Spyder.

    And see how things look from there after playing for a bit and debugging some stuff.


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