So I'm working on script that will allow me to generate task from module.
I dont want to use tablet for this.
I've read one conversation about autogenerating task and this is what I've got
in object ini
this addAction["Assign Task", "tasks.sqf", nil, 6, True, True, "", "(_target distance _this) < 4"]
task = ["Assassination", "Sabotage", "MilAssault", "DestroyVehicles", "DestroyInfantry"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //returns one of the variables ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = [task]; PAPABEAR = [West,"HQ"]; PAPABEAR sideChat "Confirmed. Unit is available for immediate tasking."; // hintSilent str ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks; // Debug. Lists selected mission as hint. ALIVE_autoGeneratedTasks = [""]; PAPABEAR = [West,"HQ"]; PAPABEAR sideChat "Confirmed. Unit is unavailable for tasking at this time.";
So each time I chose "Assign task" from my object action I want C2ISTAR to generate task for me.
I see I'm missing this part of code that execute generating missions....right?
Any help please?