Alright quick question. I'm doing my first little foray into ALiVE and I've got a decent tak insurgency scenario running on my server. Now I'm ready to get into it more.
My intent is to create two platoons of BLUFOR, both RHS FACTION USMC D. But I'd like for each platoon to have a different OPCOM assigned to a different AO..
This is partially because I want them to use their respective COPs and OPs to patrol out of. I'm also trying to find a way to make THAT work... Meaning make units RTB to rearm and refit, then head out. Id really like to schedule them so only one or two patrols are out at a time.
The issue with the multiple OPCOMs is they both try to control all the units belonging to their faction. Not ideal. Looking for a workaround.
Any ideas are welcome.