Nevermind, I figured it out, but ski's response is a great tutorial for others.
Nevermind, I figured it out, but ski's response is a great tutorial for others.
I had the same questions. Spyder linked me to the wiki and got me on my way.
So, you need a tool capable of wrapping PBOs. I use PBO Manager. It's a little utility that lets you unpack and wrap up PBO files. Link:
So, you take that Text file you exported. Find the @testMod\addons\test folder that is in the Github Pre-release that has the ORBAT tool with it.
Open the autogen.hpp , copy your exported text to that file. Then, back out one step to the test folder itself. It will now contain 4 files, one of which is that autogen.hpp.
Use PBO manager to Pack into test.pbo. Then just rename the test.pbo into "AUTigerGrad.pbo" and there you go!
Put that PBO inside an addon folder, inside @"AUTigerGradMOD" folder
Alternatively, you can copy the exported text into a description.ext file for ALIVE missions only.
Yup, I just figured it out. Got it working and it's awesome!
I actually used the ARMA tools addon manager Ski and it worked great for creating the pbo.
Alternatively, you can copy the exported text into a description.ext file for ALIVE missions only.
It's noted in the wiki as well, but this is only for CfgGroups
This will not work if you have custom or edited units in the exported groups, as custom units can only be available via a mod.
I can't find the @testmod file anywhere. Any ideas on how it could be found?
Thanks, @HeroesandvillainsOS.
Doesnt work for me maybe because i didnt understand all the thing to do but when i go to editor i don't find my faction :(