ALiVE Global INIT ALiVE Global Init Timer Started ALiVE [m_0|30] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT Warning: 1420 ms spent in callExtension calling name: "ALiVEPlugIn", function: "StartALiVE ['true']" ALIVE_SYS_DATA START PLUGIN: ["StartALiVE","OK","Performance Monitor: Disabled"] DATA: Loading ALiVE config from database. ALiVE-0 CONNECTED TO DATABASE OK ALiVE-0 CONNECTED TO DATABASE, BUT PERFDATA HAS BEEN TURNED OFF ALiVE-0 CONNECTED TO DATABASE, BUT AAR HAS BEEN TURNED OFF ALiVE SYS_PLAYER - PLAYER UNIT FOUND IN PLAYABLEUNITS (B Alpha 1-1:1 (ChaosDuck7) REMOTE) DATA: Restoring player data for B Alpha 1-1:1 (ChaosDuck7) REMOTE ALiVE_fnc_HashGet retrieved wrong input ["SYS_DATA_ERROR","ServerGroup","Unknown"] from ALiVE_fnc_hashGet! ALiVE_fnc_HashGet retrieved wrong input ["SYS_DATA_ERROR","username","Unknown"] from ALiVE_fnc_hashGet! ALiVE [m_21|190] Module ALiVE_mil_logistics INIT COMPLETE TIME: 13.574 Admin logged in, player: ChaosDuck7, playerUID: 12345, IP: ALiVE Exit - mode: SAVESERVERYO [9840,165.489,17.779,"x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf:41","PLAYER CLICKING ON ABORT BUTTON: _this=[""REMSAVE""]"] [9840,165.49,17.779,"x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf:41","PLAYER CLICKING ON ABORT BUTTON: _this=[""SAVESERVERYO"",""12345""]"] ALiVE SYS_PLAYER - DISCONNECT ALiVE SYS_PLAYER - PLAYER UNIT FOUND IN PLAYABLEUNITS (B Alpha 1-1:1 (ChaosDuck7) REMOTE) ["SYS_STATS: PLAYER UNIT FOUND IN PLAYABLEUNITS (B Alpha 1-1:1 (ChaosDuck7) REMOTE)"] -------------------------------------------------------------- ALiVE Exit - Saving Server ADMIN UID: 12345 ADMIN: B Alpha 1-1:1 (ChaosDuck7) REMOTE
Thanks for the RPT. At this point I would verify your War Room settings and re-download the .cfg and .dll files from the War Room. Make sure you are following the directions there and also make sure the files are 'unblocked' in Windows (right-click, Properties) after you download them. There should also be a persistence log file in either the A3 root directory or under @aliveserver which will have more useful info.
If still failing I'll have one of the devs take a look there might be an issue with your WR account or similar.