@aliveserver load screen

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  2. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Spark

    This month I edited a mission of @HeroesandvillainsOS and again I have this issue if mission use data cloud (mission not is showing in warroom). I select a pj in lobby, mission is downloaded, loading screen is showing, I never see map screen, directly again loading screen is showing and I can hear mission introduction letters and nothing more happens. If I shut down server map its displayed with server conection loss error.

  3. You’ll need to post your server rpt.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by Spark

    Server rpt (the same problem a year ago)

  5. This isn’t really my area, though it looks to me like something is causing the Virtual AI module to hang and not init. @marceldev89 @Tupolov ?

    Hey Spark can you try a vanilla ALiVE CBA only mission real quick? I have one called Tanoa Showcase on Steam if you don’t have one handy. Let me know if that works and if that hangs could you post the rpt here?

  6. Edited 7 years ago by Spark

    Disabling persistence in alive virtual ai system rpt https://pastebin.com/6udvCkma I can hear intro letters and I can throw a granade, but I only see loading screen.
    Setting local store data work, only have issue when ip is configured right in warroom or when Data module is set in cloud.
    Summarizing, exactly what was commented in previous post. Some times editing mission work, some times not, as I explain in a previous post http://alivemod.com/forum/conversation/post/16153

    I don't have issues with mission saving local data, only when warroom its working (entering a incorrect IP work too).

    My mission working and showing in alive warroom recent operations with data set in local: rpt https://pastebin.com/TC5Zg3iY
    Operation Battle of Lythium FFAAmod (111sq GCV)
    26 minutes ago

    Alive tanoa showcase rpt https://pastebin.com/Wv6uZNjq
    Alive tanoa showcase rpt I edited data module in cloud https://pastebin.com/JFFquayA (is showing it in warroom Recent operations, the others made by me do not appear)

  7. Thanks. Should be much cleaner now without the extra mods. Just hang on tight for one of the devs to take a peek.

  8. There’s nothing out of the ordinary I don’t think in that second rpt. Can you go to alivemod.com and download ALiVE again and use that version of @aliveserver?

  9. Yesterday I download the @aliveserver because someone said me that mission didn't work. So... two dedicated servers failing... I don't understand what is the issue. Also it's the exactly the same issue a year ago.

  10. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Can you load into the mission with TADST and play it with Data set to local (or with no Data module at all) and not using @aliveserver? Just trying to see if it hangs with TADST no matter what or if something is making it hang.

  11. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    ^I’m talking about the Tanoa one. Best to figure this out with just ALiVE and CBA for now until we can figure out the problem.

  12. You say load with TADST "alive tanoa showcase" mission (local save) without @aliveserver?

  13. Yes. The mission as I have it set by default, has Data set to local. This is what I want you to test. If you put the PBO on your TADST server without making any changes, and just use ALIVE and CBA as mods and nothing else, can you play the mission or do you still get an infinite loading screen?

  14. Edited 7 years ago by Spark

    I do not know where you want to go, I haven't problems with any mission that use local save as I said.

    Here rpt (alive tanoa showcase, @alive, @cba3): https://pastebin.com/gAnveP4E

  15. I know local is working fine. I’m trying to see if your TADST is working fine. Does the mission work on your TADST without the Data module?

    I think what we need to do here is figure out exactly what is causing the infinite loading screen. So for example, are you saying “yes my mission plays on TADST perfectly, but whenever I add the Data module and set it to Cloud and use @aliveserver, I get an infinite loading screen.” ?

  16. Edited 7 years ago by Spark

    Can you reedit my misión? (open it in editor and save it again) to see if its my eden editor issue.

    Yes, the issue is when it's set to cloud, rather, when server its working together alivewarroom (right ip, right config, set cloud).

  17. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I doubt it’s the mission. Otherwise it wouldn’t work in SP or local host. Can you post your ALiVE plugin rpt too? It’s located in @aliveserver. Just post your most recent one from a vanilla mission when you tried to use Cloud saving and got an infinite loading screen.

  18. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Hmm I think there’s an issue with your Arma or ALiVE versions somehow. I just passed this part of your rpt along to the devs: “ This version of ALiVE is build for A3 version: 176.142872. The server is running version: 176.143187. Please contact your server administrator and update to the latest ALiVE release version.” I think this means your ALiVE is out of date. Are you using the Steam version on both TADST and in your launcher? If not, where did you get it from?

    There’s an ALiVE plugin error in that rpt too.

    Hold tight I’ll see if I hear back. Plugin rpt could be useful too so post it if you have a chance.

  19. A video with my mission behaviour when data is set to cloud.

    0:12 map its showed momentarily.
    1:30 sound letters in background.
    2:50 I can throw granades. (I set -showscripterrors parameter to get any info).
    4:09 I shutdown server.

    P.S: I run again my mission, when I closed my server infinite message ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System... stoped 2017/10/31, 17:25:13 EPE manager release (9|62|0) and others messages appear.
    RPT: https://pastebin.com/qPRBqdUD
    aliveserver log: https://pastebin.com/dpMyZfbt

    With vanilla missions from others editors I never had problems.
    Here the new test with a alive demo mission with cloud store.
    rpt: https://pastebin.com/Jsbt968L
    aliveserver log: https://pastebin.com/YKNuLqUx
    rpt https://pastebin.com/hZYXggQP
    alivesrver log: https://pastebin.com/pb6gmNwJ

    Im tired of make the same tests again, again, again...

    @Spark I checked insurgency demo misión and work, I will check the others tips and say you. Thanks!

    @SavageCDN OK that is a good sign. It's possible there is a mod issue.. try using vanilla units in your mission (ie: OPF_F or BLU_F) to see if you can get past the "ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System..." error messages. There might be multiple problems going on here.

    @Spark I need help seriously, please test my mission or check in editor if all is configured right.
    I was 10 hours with this today, not work with vanilla units, I deleted all ace3 modules, 3th opfor faction, only ind_F and blu_F.


    If I write a bad ip address in aliveroom work, but if I write the right data, ip etc not work "ALiVE OPCOM Waiting for Virtual AI System..." I can hear my and alive spawning units.

    2016/10/20, 23:59:05 ALiVE [m_29|200] Module ALiVE_SYS_playeroptions INIT COMPLETE TIME:  0.0440063
    2016/10/20, 23:59:05 ALiVE [m_30|202] Module ALiVE_sys_player INIT
    2016/10/20, 23:59:05 Error in expression <ect 0;
    _result = false;
    if ((typeName _value) == "ARRAY" && {(count _value) ==>
    2016/10/20, 23:59:05   Error position: <_value) == "ARRAY" && {(count _value) ==>
    2016/10/20, 23:59:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _value
    2016/10/20, 23:59:05 File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\data\fnc_isHash.sqf, line 40
    2016/10/20, 23:59:05 Error in expression <_missionName];
    private ["_res"];
    if (ALIVE_sys_data_dictionaryLoaded) then {
    2016/10/20, 23:59:05   Error position: <ALIVE_sys_data_dictionaryLoaded) then {
    2016/10/20, 23:59:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: alive_sys_data_dictionaryloaded
    2016/10/20, 23:59:05 File x\alive\addons\sys_player\fnc_player.sqf, line 134


    -rpt with wrong ip in warroom, mission is working:

    When I close server console with right ip in warroom (mission not work, all normal in console log, game started, etc):
    Lost connection:


    Other recurent error playing a edited spyderblack kunduz insurgency template:
    2016/10/21, 18:26:16 ------------------ Inspecting Hash -------------------- 2016/10/21, 18:26:16 Error in expression <l ALIVE_fnc_dump; }; } forEach (_target select 1); _level = _level - 1; }; [_t> 2016/10/21, 18:26:16 Error position: <select 1); _level = _level - 1; }; [_t> 2016/10/21, 18:26:16 Error Generic error in expression 2016/10/21, 18:26:16 File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\diagnostics\fnc_inspectHash.sqf, line 60

  20. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Spark are other missions not made by me working?

    With vanilla missions from others editors I never had problems.

    What does this mean? Is the Insurgency demo and Operation Landlord working with the data module ok? You posted the rpts but you don’t say whether they are working or not working.

    Also you didn’t answer my earlier question. You have an error in your report that says your ALiVE is not compatible with the version of Arma you are running. Is your Arma up to date and is your ALiVE up to date?

  21. Edited 7 years ago by Spark

    Yes, im subscibe via steam workshop to all addons, I downloaded again alive.cfg and @aliveserver an hour and a half ago.

    About others missions, yes, insurgency and landlord from spyder were the ones that I tried. And yours work too:

    Alive tanoa showcase rpt https://pastebin.com/Wv6uZNjq
    Alive tanoa showcase rpt with data module set in cloud https://pastebin.com/JFFquayA (is showing it in warroom Recent operations, the others made by me do not appear.)

    P.S: in the quote im referring to others missions to mine, (including yours that I modified "battle of lythium" but if set to local data works and appears as recent operations, although obviously it does not save the statistics or the game in warroom.)

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