INCON Scripts for ALiVE - Intel + AI teammate persistence

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by incontinenetia

    Good to hear it's hopefully going to be useful! Just keep in mind this is my first foray into scripting so things may change a bit as I learn more.. on the other hand, I put a lot of effort into optimising the detection scripts and think I've found a pretty speedy solution for that, which is the core of it.

    Intel will probably be in the next update too. Just have to get some final tests done.

    @SpyderBlack723, I had a look at the inArea command and can't see anything about checking an array of markers, is it able to do that? As in:

    _unit inArea ["marker1","marker2","marker3"]

    Away from my PC for a couple of days but will check it out in a bit more detail when I'm back.

    Edit: Or something like this:

    [_unit,_trespassMarkers] spawn {
        params [["_unit",objNull],["_trespassMarkers",[]]];
        sleep 2; 
        private _activeMarker = [];
        for "_i" from 0 to (count (_trespassMarkers - 1)) do {
            _entry = _trespassMarkers select _i;
            if (_unit inArea _entry) then {
                _activeMarker pushBack _entry;
        if (_activeMarker != []) then {
            _unit setVariable ["trespassingType2",true,true];
        } else {
            _unit setVariable ["trespassingType2",false,true];
        !(_unit getVariable ["isUndercover",false])
  2. I hope so but it's quite a lot of data and it took a good 5 hours to get it to work properly with iniDBI2 (partly because I'm new to all this, but also partly because the encoding and decoding has its quirks)... but yes, once #120 is good then I'll find a way!

    In theory, we're now at the stage where you can work as an insurgent, living off the land, scavenging gear, recruiting people as you go, using disguises (you can now change your disguise when compromised and enemies won't recognise you) mounting raids, with your group hiding their weapons and melting back into the civilian populations... for weeks on end in an ALiVE persistent campaign.

    Just need someone to tell me if it works for them too now!

  3. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I haven't tested things out yet but maybe? I noticed in the video you had a red dot on the top of the display which I'd assume means the LD has power? Well mine never has that so I searched YouTube and one of the tutorial guys said you needed batteries for it to work.

    If it forces batteries in your inventory when grabbing the LD in the Arsenal, then yeah I have no clue how to use it then. I'll take a peek later.

    TBH sometimes I feel like I don't know how to play with the systems in this game at all (1600 hours in, no less) so I decided to just start the SP campaign last night. I know it forces you to learn all the ins and outs of the game and I think it's time I actually learn these things. It's embarrassing with my playtime that I don't understand these basic vanilla functions.

  4. So 2 of my unit mates are working on missions and having issues with the UC scripts.
    Ony is having IndFor refuse to recognize them as enemies and the other is having OpFor OpFor discover them immediately regardless of what they are wearing as civilian garb.

    I have an older version of the script that is working and running in a Zeus template. But they are both using the newest version of the script you have on GitHub.
    I'll see if I can get them to relay me some screenshots or at least the debug error messages they are receiving.

  5. Hi @Nichols, if you can hold fire for a couple of days, I'm going to release a major update to the scripts which will require a different way of setting them up - I'll give instructions then if that's alright?

  6. I wasn't seeing my postings going up for the last couple of days; I wasn't sure what was happening.