INCON Scripts for ALiVE - Intel + AI teammate persistence

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by incontinenetia

    INCON INTEL (alpha)

    Requires: CBA


    • Made for ALiVE
    • Units drop intel when they are killed

    Dropped intel will:

    • Find ALiVE asym opcom installations
    • Track phone contacts on map (requires UAV terminal)
    • Track radio contacts on map (requires UAV terminal)
    • Tracking accuracy depends on the weather, overhead cover, range etc.


    Requires: CBA, ALiVE, iniDBI2


    Provides persistence for non-playable AI teammates (in player group) between play sessions when ALiVE data is present using iniDBI2. Saves full unit information for up to 11 AI teammates and loads it when there is corresponding ALiVE persistent player information.

    See readme files for usage details.

    Special thanks to @davidoss, @dixon13 and @Spyderblack723 for being super helpful and for inspiring me start writing my own stuff.

    Download links:

    Incon Persistence
    Incon Intel

    Note: Incon Undercover has been released separately here:
    Incon Undercover

  2. Cheers Friznit!

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  Of course it's hard for me to figure out exactly how it I might make it work in practice. What's your mission like? Like, does he initially spawn in a house, or is the civ part of a military team and starts his assignment from a covert base somewhere?

    It's entirely up to you but I've just got one undercover operative starting out at a little safehouse in the middle of nowhere. My mission is a weird mix of counterinsurgency and undercover / stealth work. Basically, trying to destroy a criminal network under the noses of a hostile occupation force (who are aiding the criminals), so this undercover script is one aspect of that. It's a very long mission that will require persistence, in theory you could play it for months, slowly whittling away at the enemy's resolve.

    I've also got a custom high value target system which doesn't rely on tasks and rewards so much as actions and consequences... i.e. nail the right dude and potentially kick off an internal power struggle as the criminal gang splits in two and fights each other.. or capture an enemy and take them to an interrogation cell to reveal installations and locations of potential targets. Then there's the new intel system I'm putting together which allows you to hack dropped phones / walkie talkies and track their contacts (will release standalone soon too once I've worked out some niggling localisation issues), plus stealth drones with ISR / strike capability.... the idea is to recreate some of the more sneaky stuff that goes on in the SF world in a fairly plausible way. Looking forward to releasing it but getting all the moving parts working together properly is quite a challenge!

    But yeah, really, just use your imagination I guess. As long as the unit is BLUFOR, you can dress him like an Afghan or a civilian or a mermaid or whatever and go from there. You could even just run the script on a normal unit and then halfway through the mission, that unit could find a safehouse, change into civilian clothes and as long as he isn't compromised already, you could complete a specific objective undercover, then go back to the safehouse and get back into your ninja suit and carry on. There's loads of ways of using it I reckon. I just need to figure out a way to make it work dynamically on units of all sides which shouldn't take too long.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @incontinenetia Cheers Friznit!

    It's entirely up to you but I've just got one undercover operative starting out at a little safehouse in the middle of nowhere. My mission is a weird mix of counterinsurgency and undercover / stealth work. Basically, trying to destroy a criminal network under the noses of a hostile occupation force (who are aiding the criminals), so this undercover script is one aspect of that. It's a very long mission that will require persistence, in theory you could play it for months, slowly whittling away at the enemy's resolve.

    I've also got a custom high value target system which doesn't rely on tasks and rewards so much as actions and consequences... i.e. nail the right dude and potentially kick off an internal power struggle as the criminal gang splits in two and fights each other.. or capture an enemy and take them to an interrogation cell to reveal installations and locations of potential targets. Then there's the new intel system I'm putting together which allows you to hack dropped phones / walkie talkies and track their contacts (will release standalone soon too once I've worked out some niggling localisation issues), plus stealth drones with ISR / strike capability.... the idea is to recreate some of the more sneaky stuff that goes on in the SF world in a fairly plausible way. Looking forward to releasing it but getting all the moving parts working together properly is quite a challenge!

    But yeah, really, just use your imagination I guess. As long as the unit is BLUFOR, you can dress him like an Afghan or a civilian or a mermaid or whatever and go from there. You could even just run the script on a normal unit and then halfway through the mission, that unit could find a safehouse, change into civilian clothes and as long as he isn't compromised already, you could complete a specific objective undercover, then go back to the safehouse and get back into your ninja suit and carry on. There's loads of ways of using it I reckon. I just need to figure out a way to make it work dynamically on units of all sides which shouldn't take too long.

    Do you plan on releasing both the custom HVT system and the Intel system?

    Yeah man this mission of yours seems so awesome! Please please share it when you're done!

  4. Edited 8 years ago by incontinenetia

    Just for anyone using this or considering using it, the latest version on GitHub has some pretty big fixes as well as one or two features I'm pretty excited about that could benefit from a bit of testing if anybody is up to it. I'll be releasing on the BI forums too once I know from someone other than me that this works for them too!

    The biggest feature (and the one that has taken my last weekend) is:

    Persistent player AI Teammates

    (When ALiVE data is present).

    As sort of requested by @HeroesandvillainsOS....


    • ALiVE (obvs)
    • iniDBI2 to be loaded on the client and server. (A workaround until there's a fix for issue #120 ).
    • Mission time persistence to be set to on (so iniDBI2 can tally it's information with ALiVE's persistent data).

    This is intended for SP / Coop TADST sessions where all clients exit the server at the same time.

    Brief overview:

    • Saves full unit information for up to 11 AI teammates.
    • No configuration required, just load the iniDBI2 mod and it will save your group state periodically (including health, loadout, skill etc.) until you save and exit the server.
    • Standalone, does not require undercover or intel to be loaded (I can give instructions if anyone wants).
    • To have full persistent AI teammates you need to:

    (a) save and exit the server at the end of each session
    (b) when loading the mission, make sure the mission time is the same as it was when you last saved and exited (if not, your persistent group won't load and the data will be overwritten)
    (c) don't play the same mission in multiplayer in the meantime if persistent data hasn't loaded (this will also overwrite your saved group data)

    More information (for troubleshooting etc):

    • When you save and exit the server, the most recent group information will be stored in an iniDBI2 database file. Only one group is saved per client, per mission, to prevent the database file from exploding in size.
    • Upon loading the mission, the DB will wait for ALiVE persistent data before loading. Then it will check if the mission time of the last group save on the database is the same as the current mission time (after ALiVE persistence) before restoring the client's last saved group.
    • To put it another way, group persistence is tied to mission date / time (+/- 10 minutes). It will only load if you have a corresponding persistent ALiVE save of the same time you last exited the mission.
    • For instance, if you saved and exited the server when the mission time was 1500 on the 6th May, it will only load your group if, the next time you play, the mission time is within 10 minutes of 1500 on the 6th May.

    Other random features

    Civilian Weapon Enhancements (for recruitment)

    • User configurable concealed weapons for armed civilians
    • If the civilians revolt, civilians will only pull a weapon if they already have one in their inventory
    • Other cool shit


  5. Cool sounding update! I'm still looking forward to trying this! So is it safe to assume once #120 is fixed with ALiVE War Room persistence can replace iniDB?

  6. Edited 8 years ago by incontinenetia

    If you write the following into initPlayerLocal.sqf you should get group persistence:

    ["loadGroup",_unit] call INCON_fnc_groupPersist;
    ["saveGroup",_unit] call INCON_fnc_groupPersist;

    ["loadGroup",player] call INCON_fnc_groupPersist;
    ["saveGroup",player] call INCON_fnc_groupPersist;

    Just bear in mind that because I can't get ALiVE data functioning for now, it relies on the iniDbi database timestamp matching your ALiVE mission timestamp when you reload alive persistent data. This means if your play session end time and alive mission save time don't tally within a couple of minutes of each other, the group will not persist. Hope that helps!

    Edit: also, won't matter whether it is editor placed units or spawned ones, as long as they aren't playable, they will persist.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by incontinenetia

    Hi @Nichols - sorry for the delay. The updated standalone versions are live.

    Download here:

    Incon Undercover
    Incon Persistence
    Incon Intel

    Hopefully the readme files (included in the downloads) should answer any setup questions but if you have any dramas, let me know and I'll guide you through.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by Nichols

    @incontinenetia Hi @Nichols - sorry for the delay. The updated standalone versions are live.

    Download here:

    Incon Undercover
    Incon Persistence
    Incon Intel

    Hopefully the readme.MD files should answer any setup questions but if you have any dramas, let me know and I'll guide you through.

    SWEET!!!! Grabbing them right now!

    OK I can't get your readme you linked without joining some site. I am going through the other three files right now and will get back with you if I have any questions.