Keep callsign for virtualized unit?

  1. 8 years ago

    Would there be a way to have my editor placed units keep their unit name when virtualized? I've created a battalion sized force placed down in the editor, each group named appropriately (Alpha Actual, Alpha 1 Actual, Alpha 1-1, Battalion HQ, etc) but when I sync the units to be virtualized by ALiVE, in the game the units names aren't used. When not synced to the Virtual AI system everything is fine, but ALiVE doesn't recognize my units and won't command them or allow AI to take over objectives and whatnot. I've tried using setGroupIDGlob to no avail, was wondering if you ALiVE wizards had tricks up your sleeve. It would be REALLY great if the names could persist through sessions but I'm not expecting too much, just thought I'd throw that out there. ;)

  2. Edited 8 years ago by marceldev89

    The profile system doesn't support group names. It might be possible to add support for it but you'd probably run into issues because groups are created and deleted at random and you'd end up with duplicate group names.

  3. I assumed as much. Would there possibly be a way to persist my editor placed units locations through sessions without virtualizing them? When I leave and come back to a game, my units just spawn where they were placed at in the editor. Or is there a way to just let my editor placed units be recognized by ALiVE so when they're at an objective they can "occupy" it and take over said objective? I doubt any of this is possible without virtualizing them but you never know.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Why not keep them unvirtualized and use High Command for these units instead? I'm not sure they'd technically "occupy" an objective though. What do you think @marceldev89 ? Can non-virtualized units "occupy" and objective? I'm assuming not but at least with High Command, they could have a presence in the area.

  5. Thats what I've been doing but unvirtualized groups cannot take over objectives and their location does not persist so whatever gains I make in a session just resets the next time around as far as BLUFOR goes.


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