Roadblocks Empty

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Docbuck

    I am just running a simple test mission in one city in Al Rayak, to see how fast an insurgency grows from one unit. They've done well, expanding to include 3-4 groups, 3 installations, and growing. One of the missions listed in the debug marker is "roadblocks", which I do have set for them to try for in the module. They succeeded after a bit, and a roadblock spawned. Unfortunately, it's empty. Not the first time I've seen this, but the first time I've been watching closely enough to not think it was something else.. Any idea what might be causing this?

    LOP_AM is faction. See photo for more info.



    Made another while I was posting:


  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Can you duplicate this with just ALiVE/CBA? Should be pretty simple to set up a quick test on Altis or Stratis using your same parameters and unit placement.

    I'd say if it does populate units at roadblocks in the test, then try putting LOP_AM into the module instead of a vanilla faction to see if it's somehow the faction itself.

    TBH I'm not sure either way whether generated roadblocks are always supposed to have units manning them or not. I'd assume so based on who controls it but I'm not entirely sure. Considering you're intentionally being very conservative with your initial unit placement (neat idea! Keep me posted! I have a ticket open for Insurgency proliferation speed), I have to wonder whether that might be related. If you're forcing roadblocks but not units, it could very well be intended they wouldn't get manned right away.

    The most sure fire way to find out would be to use your exact settings with vanilla units on a vanilla map and to then add modded maps and factions from there.

  3. I will do that... Quick question, or, suspicion. If I didn't have a mil placement (military) module down and synced, I'm wondering if the opcom wouldn't pick the roadblocks up as objectives? I think they fall under the mil placement (mil), anyway.

  4. How are you spawning the roadblocks?

  5. It's an option in the asymmetric opcom. roadblocks yes/no. I set it to yes, and the initial groups were given the objectives ["roadblocks" "recruiting"]. they completed their objective and a roadblock spawned, but no men. At the time the asymmetric opcom was only synced to a civilian objectives module, I hadn't placed one down for mil.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'm not sure what the relation is, if any, between the mil obj roadblocks setting and the OPCOM roadblocks toggle.

    Is setting roadblocks to yes or no in the OPCOM module new?

    I think it is so I'll hold back on offering any further opinion on the topic. I wasn't aware this feature was added or how to properly use it.

  7. It is an option in the opcom module same way use installations is. hold on photo inc...


  8. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ah ok. That must be new. I seem to recall a ticket recently where someone had asked for the option to disable them in Asymmetric mode entirely (previously, roadblocks were directly tied to Insurgency and couldn't be turned off).

    My best guess is they are considered military objectives and the OPCOM would need to be aware of them (unless Insurgency makes them aware regardless?) through the mil placement module to man them, but I tend to always use both civ and mil modules so I'm not 100% on this.

    Barring a dev or otherwise informed reply, I'd do a quick vanilla test and expect whatever the results there are would be the intended outcome.

    Thanks for the photo. It makes more sense now. And good luck keeping your insurgency under control. I'm genuinely curious how it ends up working out for you with such small initial unit numbers. I play it pretty conservative myself (though not as low as you're attempting) and they still grow too much and too fast.

  9. I'm a little perturbed by that as well... It's my fault because I'm using the cqb module, but 3-4 mins into a mission that started with one group, I had 30-40 enemy fighters in the city and surrounding hills. A lot of people love having a lot of insurgents, but I want it to feel like an insurgency. Besides turning off the cqb module completely, thus losing those auxillary guards at IED factories and such, I'm concerned about how to actually keep it under control at this point. The group count, I mean.

  10. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Here is the ticket if you'd like to offer any opinions, support, or observations:

    QCB behaves a bit differently from what I understand, so don't worry about these units contributing to Assymetric proliferation speed, and just go with the module settings you like for what you're going for. I don't believe they tap into the insurgency logic. CQB functions more as an ambient unit populating module. I don't believe they ever communicate with OPCOM.

    I'm of the opinion we shouldn't need to gut missions of features just to ensure the mode stays playable after a chunk of persistent hours (hence the ticket). Insurgency is tricky because unlike conventional battles, you can't directly cap the profiles. So for sure feel free to chime in if you have any ideas or any successful techniques in the interim, and keep me posted as your mission finishes up and you get to play it for awhile. And good luck. :)

  11. Tupolov

    18 Dec 2016 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by Tupolov

    For insurgency spawned roadblocks, existing insurgents are supposed to go man them.

    I guess either they didn't arrive yet, were killed or were tasked elsewhere?

    Looking into it.

  12. Tupolov,

    TY for reply. As for your possibilities:

    Tried with a different faction, rhs vdv, and roadblocks were manned. So, probably this. Whoever worked up the compatibility for the new Project Opfor might want to check on this issue, I suppose.

  13. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Docbuck Tupolov,

    TY for reply. As for your possibilities:

    Tried with a different faction, rhs vdv, and roadblocks were manned. So, probably this. Whoever worked up the compatibility for the new Project Opfor might want to check on this issue, I suppose.

    No one worked up any compatibility for Project OPFOR. Keeway had just attempted to ensure the faction was properly made to vanilla config standards so it would be functional with ALiVE (which it is). Can you do me a favor? Release is imminent so if this is indeed a bug Keeway has to fix, it needs to be fixed ASAP or it could be messed up for some time.

    Can you retest with this?

  14. I will do that today, yes. Thank you.

  15. Sweet. Just be sure not to be running -nologs incase there's and issue. Your rpt files could be useful.

  16. @HeroesandvillainsOS 

    Using zip file version of project opfor (some interesting goodies, I'm looking forward to them!), here are results.


    As you can see, the new version appears to work perfectly. I also noticed that in this particular instance, the game spawned a proper insurgent roadblock from ZEC. Liking it!

    Thanks for assist. @Tupolov looks to be solved on the offending mods end.

  17. Tupolov

    20 Dec 2016 Administrator



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