1. 8 years ago

    Hi guys (maybe girls)

    I've knocked up two custom orbats, one of which is working great. The only problem is that I can only run one of the other. I am cutting and pasting into autopen.hpp files in custom .pbos. Seemed to work very well for one but not of the other.

    Both have different names for the .pbo's. The only thing the same is the name of the files in the pbo. I'm using the Autogen. 7zip file.

    Any thoughts? Have I missed something

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Make sure that you are using the CfgPatches export option and pasting the output into the CfgPatches file in your faction's pbo.

    Just have the faction selected in the ORBAT Creator (with the units imported from config), then Export >> CfgPatches

  3. Thanks man. Will try it out, and let you know.

  4. OK tried it. It didn't work. Essentially I can have one custom made OPFOR file, or the other, but not both. I tried re-naming the autogen file, and modding the config file to notice it, but nothing.

  5. Send me your mod

  6. I am having the exact same issue. I have a Blufor, Indfor, and Civ faction that all load independently, but do not all load when together. I have tried them all in the same folder and all in different @mod/addons folders. It seems whichever one the game encounters first when loading is the one that gets loaded. I haven't tested that extensively, but it seems to be the case when trying different things. I can pm you the factions if necessary.

  7. Please try the above instructions if you haven't already. That is the the offending reason 95% of the time.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by Hauser

    I have done that for all of them and created the pbo with Binpbo, and its still doing the same thing.

  9. @Hauser Let me know when you are on and need a hand and I can bang through your faction for you and take a look at it. If I can get them to work I am sure you can do it.


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