# of Mission Objectives and Log error help

  1. 8 years ago

    I am sure this is written somewhere, but I can't find any information on it.
    I have been following a popular youtube video on how to create a mission using the ALiVE mod.

    It's all pretty straightforward, but I do have two questions I'd need to ask.

    1. Where do i reduce the mission objectives? it is complaining that I currently have 183 objectives and it would like it to be under 80.
    2. I have 100's of these "attempted to override...." log errors. Any idea how I can fix these?
    here is a snippet of the log file:

    2:45:21 Attempt to override final function - alive_fnc_validatelocations
    2:45:21 Attempt to override final function - alive_fnc_dechasbin
    2:45:21 Attempt to override final function - alive_fnc_dectobinarr
    2:45:21 Attempt to override final function - alive_fnc_dirto

    Thank you in advanced.

  2. I'm not sure on the errors, but to reduce the amount of objectives, you can do it a few ways.

    1. You can make the AO smaller (put a marker down in the editor. Name it. Put that in the whitelist field in the military objectives civilian and military modules to have the units primarily spawn there. You can also add another one where you don't want units to spawn and put it in the module blacklist field).

    2. Or you can increase the filter size for size and priority in the same modules (change "do not filter" to "very tiny" or to" small," or higher, for example).

    You can safely use more than 80 objectives depending on what you want to do and the kind of performance you want but I try not to go above 100 or so. You can probably go higher than that but definitely play around and see.

    For more read this: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Military_Placement_(Military_Objectives )

  3. Attempt to override final function isn't an error, you can safely ignore it. It's just default Arma 3 rpt spam.

  4. Ah, ok guys. thank you. i will try this out right now :D

  5. FYI, I go as high as 120 objectives and have no issues. I'd say keep it between 80-120 max and you should be good to go.

    One rule of thumb I typically have for insurgencies that can help reduce your objectives is to only give the Assymetric AI commander civilian objectives and not military objectives. My rationale for this is that rarely would you see a group of insurgents attack a well equipped military installation or FOB. So I typically will make my occupying force have A Military OBJ module and a CIV obj module that is set to only medium or high objectives. The Assymetric will have a CIV obj module with no filtering and not synced to the Occupying enemy force. That way...objectives stay low, and the insurgents stay in towns to gain recruits and cause mayhem. Also..I don't have my occupying force squashing them quickly because the smaller towns stay unguarded, allowing the insurgents to build up their network there.

    Just my .02.


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