@AUTigerGrad I just made that same type of mission, but on a multi-city/town scale.I used a Sector Control Module (F5, Modules, Multiplayer) around the area I wanted, then placed a Logic Entity/Locations/Base (but I think you can use area or camp), placed a trigger around the same area and set it to everyone, then placed a Logic Entity /Sides BLUFOR and OPFOR in the same area. Sync the triger to the Location (Base) Logic Entity, sync the Location Logic entity to the sector Control Module, and both areas (BLUFOR OPFOR) to the Sector control Module.
the "How To" here will help https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Module:_Sector
Then place your ALiVE objectives like you would in any ALiVE mission in the same area.
Do all of this for each area, and it works great.