CISTAR: Tasking player GROUPS vs specific players

  1. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by AUTigerGrad

    I don't know if this is currently possible in the CISTAR Module.

    My campaign goal is to have tasks assigned to specific player groups that change throughout the campaign.

    So, for example, I have an Infantry squad and a Recon squad as playable units. I want the Infantry to have specific tasks assigned and I want the Recon group to have specific tasks assigned.

    That being said, players are not limited to one player role when joining, they can be infantry on one session and recon on the next.

    So, knowing that, is there a way to create specific tasks in CISTAR that are based on the actual player UNIT and not the actual player being logged in at that time?

  2. Don't think this is possible.


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