Smooth Spawn

  1. 7 years ago

    THANK YOU! What a great difference that made. Good Job!

  2. Been meaning to mess around with this. Can you elaborate on what you were seeing before this feature, and what you changed it to and how it helped?

  3. Friznit

    20 May 2017 Administrator

    We staggered the spawn rate a while ago to reduce stuttering (added a short wait between each profile spawn). All we did this release was add an option to choose the rate yourself in the module, so if you're running x64 and have a beast of a machine then you can speed up the spawn rate. Mostly cos I was flying around in a jet and wanted stuff to spawn quicker :)

  4. Edited 7 years ago by Fletcher

    I have a low end computer and I was having issues with the game spiking every time AI spawned in. My understanding of this option was to limit the time intervals that each AI can spawn in so you don't have so much computer usage. Well whatever you guys did I get a very very small amount of tiny spikes now, I suffer only like 1 fps every time an AI spawns in. Use to be I would be at 25-28fps then like 5 AI spawn in drops me down to 2fps :).

    I do run windows 10 x64.

  5. What number are you using now in the module?

  6. Edited 7 years ago by Fletcher

    Well I didn't have that option in my module until after this update. I have it on the default of 0.3. I actually don't really know that the number represents. :) Is that 30 secs after the first AI spawns in? :)

  7. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I think it means the time (0.3 seconds) between group spawns. I'm not 100% on that though (whether is seconds, etc).

  8. Ya .3 makes more sense :)


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