Getting civilians to spawn without compass, map, etc

  1. 6 years ago

    I was wondering if its possible to get civilians to spawn without compass, maps, etc?

  2. Something like this tailored to CIV

  3. Works perfectly thanks! I was wondering how could I add an independent faction to it?

    Im using

    private "_this";
    _this = _this select 0;

    if ((side _this == Civilian) and (!isPlayer _this)) then {
    removeallweapons _this;
    removeAllAssignedItems _this;

    but obv I dont want to remove weapons and I want them to have bandages still.


  4. Not sure I understand.. you also want the GUER side to spawn without weapons, etc?

    if (side _this == GUER)
  5. Edited 6 years ago by marceldev89

    Find the classname of what you want to remove and then just use the removeWeapon, removeItem, etc. Not sure what more there is. ^^

  6. Thanks! Basically I just dont want them spawning with maps, compasses and morphine but still ahve everything else so I was wondering if I would do something like (I know it doesnt have the whole map, compasses and morphine to be removed in the entry hahaha)

    private "_this";
    _this = _this select 0;

    if ((side _this == Civilian) and (!isPlayer _this)) then {
    removeallweapons _this;
    removeAllAssignedItems _this;

    private "_this";
    _this = _this select 0;

    if ((side _this == GUER) and (!isPlayer _this)) then {
    removeallweapons _this;
    removeAllAssignedItems _this;

    or would I need to combine them somehow or run two different scripts?

  7. private "_this";
    _this = _this select 0;
    if ((side _this == Civilian) and (!isPlayer _this)) then {
    removeallweapons _this;
    removeAllAssignedItems _this;
    if ((side _this == GUER) and (!isPlayer _this)) then {
    removeallweapons _this;
    removeAllAssignedItems _this;

    In a single file should be fine. :)

  8. Awesome thanks! Im just using this as a test

    private "_this";
    _this = _this select 0;

    if ((side _this == Civilian) and (!isPlayer _this)) then {
    removeallweapons _this;
    removeAllAssignedItems _this;

    if ((side _this == GUER) and (!isPlayer _this)) then {;
    removeAllAssignedItems _this;

    which should remove their maps/compasses but it doesnt seem to be working


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