I have been seeing an issue with the transport where the pilot is at a different altitude than I commanded. The altitude always seems to be noticeably higher.
I only have seen this behavior when the pilot flies over terrain of varying altitude. When I ask the pilot to fly over a flat area, there doesn't seem to be a problem.
There doesn't appear to be any relationship to the original altitude that I command: The pilot always seems to be at 40-50 meters altitude when he says "go". I've tried a handful of various altitudes with the same result.
This wouldn't be much more than a nuisance save for the fact that the rope systems I've tried aren't long enough, and I wind up falling off the rope to my death.
The behavior seems to be the same in single player and multiplayer.
My friends and I have been using ALiVE since October and have only noticed this issue within the latest couple of versions of ALiVE.
I've recorded a quick video that demonstrates what my friends and I have been seeing: