C2ISTAR Not Displaying Players in Tasking (RHS?)

  1. 6 years ago

    Hello folks, Taking this issue to the forums, Maybe someone here can be some assistance. So my attempt on tasking for the C2ISTAR module I have RHS_FACTION_USMC_D for the BLUFOR Tasking faction in the module and the result is the screenshot. Tasking cannot work because players are not displaying on the list. Now I replace the RHS_FACTION_USMC_D with the standard Arma "BLU_F" and players seem to come up fine. So my issue is how do I make the player list appear if im using RHS_FACTION_USMC_D instead of BLU_F


  2. Pretty sure the correct faction name for RHS should be all lowercase.

  3. @HeroesandvillainsOS Pretty sure the correct faction name for RHS should be all lowercase.

    The capitalization is my second attempt at this, my first was "rhs_faction_usmc_d" same result with no players displaying.


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