Dynamic Alive Patrols

  1. 4 years ago

    Sup peeps. This has probably already been answered. I am looking to create a SP scenario with use of the ALIVE modules. My primary goal is to create a realistic dynamic patrol mission...I am seeking asymmetric style OPFPOR. I would like:

    1. Blufor occupying the island

    2. random AI blufor patrols and QRF

    3. random player led patrol...some encountering opposition...some quiet and boring. Such as patroling for days without contact or encountering contact after 5 mins.

    4. Opfor carrying out small and large operation

    I know this is entirely possible...Just not exactly sure how to accomplish it. Thanks in advance.

  2. 3 years ago
    Edited 3 years ago by USMCWall

    This is probably a good push in the right direction as to what you want to accomplish. If you want more of a conventional force vs conventional force, just change both commander types to invasion/occupation instead of asymmetric. If you need more resources I pulled that video from here http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Mission_Editing which has several more that may closer resemble what you're trying to accomplish.


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