Saved Persistence won't load

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi Alive Dev.

    I want to inform, I could not load back the alive mission in our server after pressing "save & exit server". I have deleted the old Alive module and put in new Alive module as per recommended.

    Below are the print screen - Saving mission and the Aliveplugin rpt file. Hope it helps you guys find the bug cause I see few users in the forum reporting almost similar issue.

    Kind regards

    Azrin Kasman

    Aliveserverplugin Rpt
    link text

    Print Screen
    link text

  2. Tupolov

    1 May 2016 Administrator

    How do you know its not loading back?

  3. Edited 7 years ago by azrink

    Hi Tupolov

    When I load up the mission it goes back to its original state, and the reset button for the mission going back to previous state is blank out. Player saving function / persistence works.

    I can see the mission load up in the Alive War Room.

    I just notice in the print screen picture, save result shows; Sys_data_error.


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