FOB Creation (Mission ongoing)

  1. 7 years ago

    Hey all!

    Somewhat new here, so excuse me if i'm making myself look like an idiot, however! I am looking to make/find a nice Logistics style script that will allow one to create a persistent FOB out in the field during long play sessions. Hoping to get some good ideas from ya'll if that's ok!

    I know R3F had something like this, but their script doesn't seem to play too nicely with ALiVE.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    What exactly are you looking for when you say you want a "persistent FOB?" Are you basically looking to add objects to it on the fly?

  3. Essentially, yes.

    To be able to put items in a truck, transport it and unload it / place it as a FOB to come back to later on

  4. Edited 7 years ago by Riley

    The last time I used R3F with alive the persistence worked fine if you followed the directions in the ALiVE Wiki.
    ALiVE and Third Party Scripts
    R3F Logistics: can I persist objects moved with R3F Log?

    Place a gamelogic on the map named LOGIC_ALIVE (or you can simply name the ALiVE (Required) module ``LOGIC_ALIVE). You need to add the following line of code to R3F_LOG\objet_deplacable\relacher.sqf at line 12:

    [LOGIC_ALIVE,"updateObject",[R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet]] call ALIVE_fnc_logistics;
    Mod Compatability
    Note that you can disable ALIVE Player Logistics either with an editor module or in game using the interaction menu. However, any objects moved with a different system will not be persisted to the database.

    Madbull posted this useful script addition for R3F Logistics on the BI Forums. It will save the object to the database when your release a movable object with R3F. Place the Alive (Required) module as normal but name it LOGIC_ALIVE

    Then add the line in R3F_LOG\objet_deplacable\relacher.sqf at line 12:

    [LOGIC_ALIVE,"updateObject",[R3F_LOG_joueur_deplace_objet]] call ALIVE_fnc_logistics;

  5. I can confirm that using R3F works fine. I just did lots of Googling around to figure it out and Riley summarized what you need to do. Basically, rename the ALiVE module, add the line in the R3F script and bam, it should save.

    When you place an object down with Zeus or something like that, be sure to touch it using the interaction, such as ALiVE Logistics or R3F so it saves it's position. The same applies with vehicles. Get in the vehicle to save its position.

  6. Hmmm, alrighty!

    Will have another look into it tonight, maybe i missed the line or something when i added the fix.

    I'll post back when i get home from work if it fixed it or not, appreciate the help so far!!

  7. Hey all, Awesome support!

    Looks like I was dumb with the insertion of that code somehow...was on the wrong line! Hopefully that fixes it...Thanks!

  8. Glad we could help. Best of luck with your mission.


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