How do you set a combat support vehicle as an ACE medical vehicle? [SOLVED]

  1. 8 years ago

    I thought I had this working for the longest time, but apparently I didn't.
    How do you set a helo spawned in with the combat support modules, as an ACE medical vehicle?

  2. Edited 8 years ago by JD_Wang

    Never mind I worked it out. Apparently
    this setvariable ["ace_medical_isMedicalFacility", true];

    I had somehow decided that it should be "isMedicalVehicle" and not "Facility".

  3. Ok that fix worked until I put the mission up on the server.

    Now the mission is on a server putting that code in the transport module does NOT make the helo a medical vehicle.

  4. Place a helicopter unit down in the editor and place the following code in the units init to make it a transport asset.

    this setvariable ["CS_TYPE","TRANSPORT"];
    this setvariable ["CS_CALLSIGN","Your Callsign"];

    At the bottom of the attributes page for that heli, tick the "is ACE Medical vehicle" or something along those lines. Or sync the ACE medical vehicle module to the unit.

  5. or writedown the classname withtin the list withtin the ace set medical vehicle. then u dont need to make a cross or init.
    then all spawned units with that classname are medevacs.

  6. Thanks guys that's sorted it :)


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