Civilians and other questions

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by BvB

    Back with a few more, have had a little time to feed my addiction. :-)

    First, with civilian spawning: Do they "respawn"/regenerate to replace the, erm... oopsies that happen? I tried testing and it seems not... I may have gone to two villages and war crimed the population to zero, then left it to run for about an hour, and both villages were still bare. If they do and just coincidentally did not appear here, disregard. If they do not, is there any means currently available to repopulate, such as spawning a new placement module via script or something? If not, could an option be added to allow them to repopulate, sort of how the random IEDs can regenerate in areas previously cleared? Additionally, will editor placed buildings be considered for civilian spawning? Such as on the Unsung map, adding a few more huts to a village?

    Second, and somewhat related, do civilians disappear when recruited by the asymmetric commander? I also monitored this, and it appears not, as I had it at extreme and there were quite a few squads recruited and roaming around by the time I came back from the civ test, and the debug view showed civilians were still present in more or less the same areas they had been, sans the two that were... cleared by some evil rogue soldier. By the same token, if not, is the recruitment totally behind the scenes? IE. an they still recruit from those two, now empty, villages if not physically plucking people from the game world? That is my ultimate concern, as I want to ensure a healthy insurgency with long playtime, the ambiance of seeing civilians is also nice, but secondary.

    Third, on the Tanoa map, was there ever a method introduced to deal with Asym. installations (HQ, IED factory, etc) in the indestructible buildings, like tracking the objects rather than the buildings? If not, understand that is effectively a BIS issue that came unexpectedly, just curious. If not, I guess that will indirectly work towards that longevity goal.

    Lastly, is there any not too resource pricey way to track casualties? I remember this from one of Benny's CTI missions, seeing the count when the mission ended, gave an interesting spin to the usual "Mission failed/completed" ending.

    Thanks! Arma wouldn't be the same without ALIVE. :-)

  2. @BvB Lastly, is there any not too resource pricey way to track casualties? I remember this from one of Benny's CTI missions, seeing the count when the mission ended, gave an interesting spin to the usual "Mission failed/completed" ending.

    I dont know the answer to your other questions unfortunately but for a civ killed tracker you can find some info here:

    Basically modify one of the examples on the wiki and add this to you description.ext

    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
     class Man {
      init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'my_script.sqf')";

    where my_script.sqf could look like this

    private "_this";
    _this = _this select 0;
    if ((side _this == civ) and (!isPlayer _this)) then {
     //Add your custom code here!
    //I recommend adding a onKilledEventHandler that would increase a counter or such that you can use to modify score and / or the end screen.

    hope it helps getting you started, tell me if you run into issues.


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