Dedicated Server Config ?

  1. 8 years ago

    Hello !!

    I'm having problem with my current local dedicated server. (Low FPS and Low CPS)
    For example an insurgency mission on Takistan with 3 human player: average FPS 20, CPS 10. With a HC client on the second CPU
    This is my system: Dell Z600 Xeon X5650 @2.6 Ghz ( 2 physical processor) 12 GB of RAM, Windows Server 2012 Standard.

    Do you think that upgrading for a new system with for example a i7 6700k will make a difference ? What kind of dedicated server do you use? Don't want to spend money for nothing....

    thank you all in advance


  2. That FPS/CPS is waaaay too low for 3 players on a dual Xeon (although the clock speed isn't the greatest).

    Is the performance the same when you run non-Alive missions?

    Perhaps post your server RPT and config files and we can take a look (blank out any passwords, etc in your config).

  3. Thanks for the quick answer! As soon as I get back home I will post my files.
    I know that I'm using a lot of mods, but hard to believe that this kind of computer can't run at least at 35 cps/fps !!

  4. Et Voila !!!

    my config files and the RTP.....after 5 minutes alone on the server 30fps and 5 cps!!

    Config and startup param:

    I'm having a lot of error but I really don't know what is the cause.

    thank you in advance


  5. You won't like this but it looks like it's probably a mod conflict or other similar issue... I don't see any alive-specific errors that might explain the performance. What I would do is create a simple alive mission running say CBA, ALiVE, ACE, TFAR and test your server with that and a few players. If your mission runs fine then you will have to dial back the number of mods in the mission or do some testing to see which mods might be causing the issue.

    I would start by losing all the weapon packs, uniforms, unnecessary maps, etc.
    @Bloodlust LITE - not familiar with this mod it's possible you do not need to run it on the server

    PS: Habs suck ;)

  6. Ok! I'll do as you say! II'l let you know the results.

    Quick question, I have -autoInit in my param. Is it compatible with a Headless client ?

    PS: Don't know where The Savage Canadian is living but the last time I've check the HABS where the best Canadian :) ;) Sans Rancune ! and thanks for your help !!

  7. autoinit is likely to break it

  8. Bien je vis dans Ottawa mais au moins je ne suis pas un fan des Leafs :)


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