Using does one "destroy them"?

  1. 7 years ago

    In Insurgency campaigns, if you are using roadblocks, several will start popping up on the map.

    That being does one "destroy" them? Several are made out of indestructible items such as tires, stones barricades, etc. With the gate types...I simply raise the gate..but the combination of several empty or defeated roadblocks that still exist in the campaign can cause quite the road issues, especially when using Spyder's ambient traffic module.

    @Tupolov @friznit Is there a proper way to "defeat" the roadblocks and ultimately clear the roadway after you do so?

  2. Roadblocks can't be defeated, really. Not like typical insurgent HQ's, anyway.

    But I can certainly see why you'd like to be able to clear the road.

    I have a suspicion it wouldn't be as simple as making the roadblocks destructible. OPCOM views them as objectives I'm pretty sure, and most definitely in insurgencies, so I'd imagine you'd not only need to remove the physical objects, but remove them as objectives as well.

    Can't picture this being simple, especially since I don't believe some of these objects could ever be destructible (such as sandbags, bunkers, concrete slabs, etc). Not sure if any of them have damage models TBH.

    This is a good request though and probably for @highhead


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