Apologies if this is a simple fix. I've searched for fixes based of my understanding, but I'm clearly missing something.
I've got a simple insurgency mission. BLU_GEN_F Gendarmerie with the appropriate zones and modules vs IND_C_F Syndikat with its own zones and modules set to asymmetric. Both are limited to infantry and light vehicles. All of this is is over a neutral civilian population (which the IND_C_F recruits from right?).
If it matters I've got RHS as well as a custom MOD pack which is just a fork of various pack. The intent being, the players act as military advisers/contractors sent in to help the local police quell and defeat the insurgency. I've got tons of their own assets at base able to be controlled by an admin/Zeus. Intent being, I want complete control over how we deploy our own faction as they are entirely human controlled.
The problem is 2 fold (I think). I believe my blacklist zones are being ignored because I'll get auto assigned a mission to assault something in a blacklist area. At first I thought it was a problem with C2ISTAR because no matter what I did, red zones showed up in these black list areas. Someone helped my understand that limitation in another thread so I just turned them off. Given the randomness of the auto assigned missions I thought I was doing the blacklist wrong when I was trying things like removing whitespace in names. But I've had it assign tasks in blacklist areas with bad guys too many times now. I Zeus/Ares/Teleport myself over there and sure enough, not only are there bad guys, they are CSAT and not Syndikat as intended.
What could I be missing in my setup that is not only causing me to receive tasking to a blacklisted area where bad guys shouldn't spawn, but spawning the wrong faction at that? I've Zeused myself around areas and used Ares to add nearby objects to the editor to see that Alive is generally doing its thing. Syndikat is fighting Genarmerie in the appropriate areas except for these auto assigned missions. If it matters, all of my testing has been through the editor in local MP.