Multispawn not working.

  1. 9 years ago

    I am trying to figure out why the respawn option is not working at all:

    1. I have added ALiVE required mod, Player Multispawn modules
    2. Tried markers called respawn_west, ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_RESPAWN_BLU_F, ALiVE_SUP_MULTISPAWN_RESPAWNBUILDING_BLU_F and even both markers for insertion respawn.
    3. Added respawn = 3; to a description.ext file in the mission folder

    No matter what type of spawn option I try ... I always end up with the "You have died" screen and restart/end options.

    Am i missing a module or configuration setting? (also have the modules set to debug and all I see is "garbage collection started ..")

    Thank you in advance for any help!!

  2. Are you testing this in MP or on dedi?

    If even your "respawn_west" marker doesn't work then it's something with the mission and not ALiVE, as this is standard BIS practice for respawn.

  3. yup Savage is right.
    Edit the mission through Multiplayer, and your respawn will work. I had the same trouble only a few days ago and this was the problem.

  4. Thank you both! That was it. Works in MP.

  5. Sorry to bump this old thread, spent hours on this problem this evening and still can't get it to work..

    I've found that if i export the mission to the multiplayer missions folder, i can access it as a LAN game, and Multispawn then works... but this is kludgy workaround for a single player mission.

    The ALiVE docs say that the Multispawn module is supposed to replace the savegame function, which causes a crash when using ALiVE... but it seems singularly incapable of fulfilling this requirement.

    Am i really likely to suffer crashes if i just enable savegames? I have 12gb ram.. Having to host a LAN game just to get Multispawn working seems horribly awkward..

    Never had to use respawn before, but honestly expected that i could just place the module and it would automate the process (which seemed the whole point of a dedicated module in the first place).

    Additionally the ALiVE wiki says nothing about having to save the mission to the multiplayer folder... yet the provided instructions just will not work in singleplayer - no matter what respawn markers i try, i briefly see the "respawning" message when dying, but then it just goes to the restart / exit options..

  6. For respawn to work you must play it as a multiplayer game, not single player, which is why it works for you in LAN. This is a limitation of Arma itself. The multispawn module does not replace the saving feature - it's only for use in MP games.

    I would suggest testing saving in SP and if it doesn't crash then you are golden :) I would recommend keeping missions small as the more AI profiles, etc you have the bigger the save and the greater chance of crashes.

  7. Cheers for the advice.

    I've found i actually prefer the chopper insertion respawn to saving anyway, so now routinely run my missions as single-player LAN games just for that benefit..

    Another drawback of saving and reloading seems to be that certain scripts can fail (prob an Arma thing), so relying on respawn instead keeps the background sim ticking over steadily..


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