Asymmetric Issues

  1. 9 years ago

    Some Help would be appreciated. I am on Altis, setting up an Asymmetric insurgency. I have dived the map in half with two markers, and have an Opcom in Asymmetric mode synced to, two sets of civ and mil placement modules one with the TAOR set to the east marker and one set with the west marker, so both halves of the map are covered, they are set to objectives only, i have hand placed some units down for the opcom to start with. However it seems to be insistent on sending all units it can to objectives near the Pyrgos area, where as the player forces deploy from the AAC airfield. Is there a way to make it so that the units in the east half only operate on objectives in the east marker, and the western units only operate in their western marker? I tried setting up two opcoms one for each half but you can only have one opcom assigend to a single faction. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Also some insight into how the AI recognize and behave when players enter and hold an objective they are aware of would be helpful. E.G: If using the player logistics i set up a FOB in the town of Athira which the opcom new about, would they recognize that as a player base and try to assault/raid it if they felt they had the force strength to do so?

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Also some insight into how the AI recognize and behave when players enter and hold an objective they are aware of would be helpful. E.G: If using the player logistics i set up a FOB in the town of Athira which the opcom new about, would they recognize that as a player base and try to assault/raid it if they felt they had the force strength to do so?

    If you have control of the area then it would see that as a hostile zone and act accordingly. If you want to make an FOB in an area that won't have an objective then you can use this little script.

    setFOB.sqf :

    _caller = _this select 1;
    cjb_addObjectiveToSides = {
    	_objectiveParams = _this select 0;
    	_factions = _this select 1;
    		_opcom = _x;
    			_faction = _x;
    			_opcomSide = [_opcom,"side",""] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet;
    			if( _opcomSide == _faction) then {
    				[_opcom, "addObjective", _objectiveParams] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;
    		} forEach _factions;
    	} forEach OPCOM_INSTANCES;
    _n = format["%1_obj", floor (random 1000)];
    [[_n, getPos _caller, 100,"MIL"],["WEST","EAST"]] call cjb_addObjectiveToSides;
    hint "FOB has been set";

    and then simply add an action to a unit to use the script:

    this addAction ["Set FOB","setFOB.sqf"];

    This will create an objective at the location of the person using the "Set FOB" action and then register to OPCOM sides East and West (Can be changed according to your needs).

    .. I haven't messed around with it yet but you could do some interesting stuff with this aswell, like setting up a trigger on an FOB you created and then when hostile units are within that trigger, the base is registered as an objective to the enemy opcom.

  3. Thanks that is certainly going to help with the FOB aspect, just now need an answer to the first part, though i am starting to think it isn't possible to make what i am looking for.

  4. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    From my own experimentation it doesnt seem possible since the insurgency is centered around it's respective Military AI Commander module, maybe I can be corrected. If not, then maybe it could be a feature request.

  5. Friznit

    28 Apr 2015 Administrator

    Short answer is no. You can't have two completely independent sets of objectives/placement/AI Commanders controlling the same faction type.

  6. Didn't think so, as far as i can tell asymmetric is designed to slowly spread out, though i am unsure if they will spread further than there initial marker. E.G if they start with placements inside a 3000x3000 marker, will they eventually start occupying things 6000 meters away?

  7. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    They should (eventually) spread to any objectives they are aware (any synced placment modules or synced custom objectives) regardless of taor marker..could be wrong about the taor marker though, haven't tested it.

  8. 8 years ago

    @SpyderBlack723 If you have control of the area then it would see that as a hostile zone and act accordingly. If you want to make an FOB in an area that won't have an objective then you can use this little script.

    setFOB.sqf :

    _caller = _this select 1;
    cjb_addObjectiveToSides = {
    	_objectiveParams = _this select 0;
    	_factions = _this select 1;
    		_opcom = _x;
    			_faction = _x;
    			_opcomSide = [_opcom,"side",""] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet;
    			if( _opcomSide == _faction) then {
    				[_opcom, "addObjective", _objectiveParams] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;
    		} forEach _factions;
    	} forEach OPCOM_INSTANCES;
    _n = format["%1_obj", floor (random 1000)];
    [[_n, getPos _caller, 100,"MIL"],["WEST","EAST"]] call cjb_addObjectiveToSides;
    hint "FOB has been set";

    and then simply add an action to a unit to use the script:

    this addAction ["Set FOB","setFOB.sqf"];

    This will create an objective at the location of the person using the "Set FOB" action and then register to OPCOM sides East and West (Can be changed according to your needs).

    .. I haven't messed around with it yet but you could do some interesting stuff with this aswell, like setting up a trigger on an FOB you created and then when hostile units are within that trigger, the base is registered as an objective to the enemy opcom.

    With the 0.9.8 i'm not sure if this is working properly now the AI don't seem to be recognizing it as an enemy position they had orders to fallback to an FOB i set up, and to setup a depot there, is there a way to force it to be a bluefor objective when it is initially spawned, or at least to a debug to show what side holds it, as far as i'm aware in Asym mode debug it shows the hostility levels of that objective, which are also spawning at 10 on FOB's i create. :/

  9. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I haven't tested it since the recent patch but it should work the same. I'll probably get around to it today as I'll use it in a mission I am creating. As for Asymmetric, I am guessing they are setting up depot's there because it is considered abandoned if nobody is there. If it's defended it will probably be treated as an assault objective first so the insurgents can capture it. Just a note too, if you are using the AAF/resistance side for the insurgents.. the code needs a slight change since it only registers it as an objective to EAST and WEST in it's current state.. Here is a fixed version that will register it as an objective to all sides:

    In terms of it being recognized as a blufor held objective, this kind of goes along with it being defended. As far as what I have learned is that a side "controls" a location if they have dominance in force strength so if you send units to defend the FOB ( or opcom does) then it should be recognized as a blufor base.

    Edit: Simpler way to put it, having blufor near/in the fob will raise the hostility levels which then has an effect on what orders the insurgents will use to react to it. They may assault it or choose to ignore it if possible. If it is empty of bluefor then they may choose to take it over themselves and setup a depot.

  10. Will do some more testing of this now tomorrow then, thanks for the reply. :)


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